Fraunhofer IWS

Hier finden Sie aktuelle Publikationen des Fraunhofer IWS aus dem Jahr 2024.

Publication Type
2024 Advanced Redox Electrochemical Capacitor Diode (CAPode) Based on Parkerite (Ni3Bi2S2) with High Rectification Ratio for Iontronic Applications
Bahrawy, Ahmed; Galek, Przemyslaw; Gellrich, Christin; Grothe, Julia; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 Organotypic 3D Ex Vivo Co-culture Model of the Macro-metastasis/Organ Parenchyma Interface
Blazquez, Raquel; Sparrer, Daniela; Sonbol, Jessica; Philipp, Jürgen; Schmieder, Florian; Pukrop, Tobias
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2024 Special Issue Featuring Papers from the International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2023
Bolelli, Giovanni; Bakan, Emine; Bandyopadhyay, Partha Pratim; Houdkova, Sarka; Koivuluoto, Heli; Ichikawa, Yuji; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Li, Hua; Srinivasan, Dheepa; Toma, Filofteia-Laura
2024 Bearbeitungskopf und Verfahren zum Laserstrahlschneiden von Bauteilen
Borkmann, Madlen; Herwig, Patrick
2024 Zur Bedeutung der Grenzschichtstruktur des Schneidgases beim Laserschneiden
Borkmann, Madlen
Doctoral Thesis
2024 Absorbance determination of a powder bed by high resolution coaxial multispectral imaging in laser powder bed fusion
Brandau, Benedikt; Brückner, Frank; Kaplan, Alexander F.H.
Journal Article
2024 FUTURE-E-DRIVE: Das Getriebe der Zukunft in der Validierung
Bräunig, Jan; Lahl, Mike; Berthold, Florian; Kaulfuß, Frank; Weihnacht, Volker; Wilhelm, Michael Leander; Reuter, Steffen
Journal Article
2024 Erforschen der Aortenklappenstenose im mikrophysiologischen System
Dittfeld, Claudia; Sonntag, Frank; Tugtekin, Sems-Malte
Journal Article
2024 Oxygenator assisted dynamic microphysiological culture elucidates the impact of hypoxia on valvular interstitial cell calcification
Dittfeld, Claudia; Schmieder, Florian; Behrens, Stephan; Jannasch, Annett; Matschke, Klaus; Sonntag, Frank; Tugtekin, Sems-Malte
Journal Article
2024 Structured illumination ptychography and at-wavelength characterization with an EUV diffuser at 13.5 nm wavelength
Eschen, Wilhelm; Liu, Chang; Steinert, Michael; Penagos Molina, Daniel Santiago; Siefke, Thomas; Pertsch, Thomas; Kaspar, Joerg; Zeitner, Uwe Detlef; Limpert, Jens; Rothhardt, Jan
Journal Article
2024 The role of nanoporous carbon materials for thiophosphate-based all solid state lithium sulfur battery performance
Fiedler, Magdalena; Lange, Martin A.; Hippauf, Felix; Dörfler, Susanne; Althues, Holger; Zeier, Wolfgang; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 Comparison of Magnetron-Sputtered and Cathodic Arc-Deposited Ti and Cr Thin Films on Stainless Steel for Bipolar Plates
Fredebeul-Beverungen, Nils; Steinhorst, Maximilian; Roch, Teja
Journal Article
2024 Sustainable Ketjenblack‐Based Carbon Ink for 3D Extrusion Micro‐Printing to Fabricate Flexible Supercapacitors
Gellrich, Christin; Bräuniger, Yannik; Schmidt, Ralf; Grothe, Julia; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 Depolarization for the assessment of caries in polarized light microscopy
Golde, Jonas; Grundmann, Julia; Steuer, Svea; Tetschke, Florian; Kirsten, Lars; Koch, Edmund; Walther, Julia; Hannig, Christian
Conference Paper
2024 Visualization of carious lesions with polarized and depolarized light microscopy
Grundmann, Julia; Golde, Jonas; Steuer, Svea; Tetschke, Florian; Kirsten, Lars; Walther, Julia; Koch, Edmund; Hannig, Christian
Journal Article
2024 Characterization of additively manufactured lumbar interbody fusion cages based on triply periodic minimal surfaces
Günther, Fabian; Rao, Rishabh Rajesh; Seitz, Daniel; Siedler, Erik; Zengerle, Laura; Zimmermann, Martina; Jahn, Axel; Wagner, Markus
Journal Article
2024 Single- and Multiscale Laser Patterning of 3D Printed Biomedical Titanium Alloy: Toward an Enhanced Adhesion and Early Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
Hariharan, Avinash; Goldberg, Phil; Schell, Frederic; Hempel, Ute; Striggow, Friedrich; Hantusch, Martin; Medina-Sánchez, Mariana; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Gebert, Annett
Journal Article
2024 Functionalization of Ti64 via Direct Laser Interference Patterning and Its Influence on Wettability and Oxygen Bubble Nucleation
Heinrich, Julian; Ränke, Fabian; Schwarzenberger, Karin; Yang, Xuegeng; Baumann, Robert; Marzec, Mateusz; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Eckert, Kerstin
Journal Article
2024 Structuring Surfaces at the Speed of Light
Henriques, Bruno; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Vorrichtung zum Laserstrahlschneiden
Herwig, Patrick; Mai, Daniel; Pinder, Thomas; Mahrle, Achim
2024 Polarization-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography for Monitoring De- and Remineralization of Bovine Enamel In Vitro
Hund, Stella; Golde, Jonas; Tetschke, Florian; Basche, Sabine; Meier, Melina; Kirsten, Lars; Koch, Edmund; Hannig, Christian; Walther, Julia
Journal Article
2024 Using the state of a physically constrained machine learning model trained on the output intensity images to reconstruct the eigenmodes of an optical fiber
Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Kläber, Leander; Schreiber, Thomas; Zitka Schuschies, Antje; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2024 A Small Electrolyte Drop Enables a Disruptive Semisolid High-Energy Sulfur Battery Cell Design via an Argyrodite-Based Sulfur Cathode in Combination with a Metallic Lithium Anode
Kirchhoff, Sebastian; Fiedler, Magdalena; Dupuy, Arthur; Härtel, Paul; Semmler, Maria; Hippauf, Felix; Dörfler, Susanne; Schumm, Benjamin; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 Lithium‐Sulfur‐Batteries Under Lean Electrolyte Conditions: Improving Rate Capability By The Choice Of The Lithium Salt In Dimethoxyethane‐Hydrofluoroether‐based Electrolyte
Kirchhoff, Sebastian; Härtel, Paul; Dörfler, Susanne; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 Acoustic emission of lattice structures under cycling loading relates process parameters with fatigue properties
Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie; Maurer, Oliver; Kose, Rebecca; Zeuner, André Till; Bähre, Dirk; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2024 The Influence of Nitrogen Partial Pressure on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of HfNbTaTiVZr High-Entropy Nitride Coating Deposited via Direct Current Cathodic Vacuum Arc Deposition
Krülle, Tim; Kuczyk, Martin; Leonhardt, Michael; Zimmer, Otmar; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2024 Morphological evaluation of β-Ti-precipitation and its link to the mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V after laser powder bed fusion and subsequent heat treatments
Kühne, Robert; Bittner, Florian; Töppel, Thomas; Raßloff, Alexander; Zeuner, André Till; Kaspar, Jörg; Schettler, Sebastian; Thielsch, Juliane; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Zimmermann, Martina; Kästner, Markus
Journal Article
2024 Expanding direct laser interference patterning towards large areas, high throughputs, and 3D microstructuring: new configurations and strategies
Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Soldera, Marcos; Voisiat, Bogdan; Baumann, Robert; Serey, Nicolas; Heffner, Herman; Ränke, Fabian; Olawsky, Lukas; Moghtaderifard, Stephan; Zwahr, Christoph
Conference Paper
2024 Electrosorption Mechanism of Zwitterionic Amino Acid Neurotransmitters in Iontronic Devices
Li, Panlong; Tarasova, Anna; Slesinski, Adam; Bräuniger, Yanniik; Galek, Przemysław; Grothe, Julia; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 The Dresden in vivo OCT dataset for automatic middle ear segmentation
Liu, Peng; Steuer, Svea; Golde, Jonas; Morgenstern, Joseph; Hu, Yujia; Schieffer, Catherina; Ossmann, Steffen; Kirsten, Lars; Bodenstedt, Sebastian; Pfeiffer, Micha; Speidel, Stefanie; Koch, Edmund; Neudert, Marcus
Journal Article
2024 Improved Tribological Performance of ta-C/MoSx Coatings Deposited on Laser Micro-Structured Steel Substrates in Both Vacuum and Air
Makowski, Stefan; Härtwig, Fabian; Soldera, Marcos; Ojeil, Mahmoud; Lorenz, Lars; Kaulfuß, Frank; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Surface acoustic wave spectroscopy for non‐destructive coating and bulk characterization at temperatures up to 600°C enabled by piezoelectric aluminum nitride coated sensor
Makowski, Stefan; Zawischa, Martin; Schneider, Dieter; Barth, Stephan; Schettler, Sebastian; Hoang, Thanh-Tung; Bartzsch, Hagen; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2024 Laufrad für eine Strömungsmaschine und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Laufrades
Mhaede, Mansour; Ring, Hans-Joachim; Brückner, Frank; Bruzzo, Francesco
2024 The Dresden in vivo OCT data set for automatic middle ear segmentation
Morgenstern, Joseph; Liu, Peng; Steuer, Svea; Golde, Jonas; Hu, Yujia; Schieffer, Catherina; Oßmann, Steffen; Kirsten, Lars; Bodenstedt, Sebastian; Speidel, Stefanie; Koch, Edmund; Zahnert, Thomas; Neudert, Marcus
Journal Article
2024 Microstructure of NiAl-Ta-Cr in situ alloyed by induction-assisted laser-based directed energy deposition
Müller, Michael; Enghardt, Stefan; Kuczyk, Martin; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Marquardt, Axel; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2024 Laser-based directed energy deposition and characterisation of cBN-reinforced NiAl-based coatings
Müller, Michael; Gerdt, Leonid; Schrüfer, Susanne; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2024 Comparison of ablation rate on stainless steel using pulsed lasers in different burst modes
Obergfell, Dirk; Azarhoushang, Bahman; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Understanding the formation chemistry of native solid electrolyte interphase over lithium anode and its implications using a LiTFSI/TME-TTE electrolyte and polysulfide additive
Olana, Bikila Nagasa; Pan, Shih-Huang; Hwang, Bing-Joe; Althues, Holger; Jiang, Jyh-Chiang; Lin, Shawn D.
Journal Article
2024 Surface depassivation via B-O dative bonds affects the friction performance of B-doped carbon coatings
Peeters, Stefan; Kuwahara, Takuya; Härtwig, Fabian; Makowski, Stefan; Weihnacht, Volker; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Dienwiebel, Martin; Moseler, Michael; Moras, Gianpietro
Journal Article
2024 Direct competitive assay for HER2 detection in human plasma using Bloch surface wave-based biosensors
Pileri, Tommaso; Sinibaldi, Alberto; Occhicone, Agostino; Danz, Norbert; Giordani, Elena; Allegretti, Matteo; Sonntag, Frank; Munzert, Peter; Giacomini, Patrizio; Michelotti, Francesco
Journal Article
2024 Tailoring microstructure and mechanical properties of an LPBF-processed beta Ti-Nb alloy through post-heat treatments
Pilz, Stefan; Bönisch, Matthias; Datye, Amit; Zhang, Shuhan; Günther, Fabian; Drescher, Sophie; Kühn, Uta; Schwarz, Udo; Zimmermann, Martina; Gebert, Annett
Journal Article
2024 Aircraft without Rivets - Laser Welding Makes the Impossible Possible
Pohl, Eric; Standfuß, Jens; Langer, Maurice
Conference Paper
2024 Laser In Situ Joining as a Novel Approach for Joining Large‐Scale Thermoplastic Carbon Fiber‐Reinforced Polymer Aircraft Structures
Pohl, Eric; Langer, Maurice; Rauscher, Peter; Bleil, Niklas; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Laser In Situ Joining as a Novel Approach for Joining Large-Scale Thermoplastic Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Aircraft Structures
Pohl, Eric; Langer, Maurice; Rauscher, Peter; Bleil, Niklas; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Experimental Results of a 6 kN Aerospike Thrust Chamber Demonstrator working with H2O2 and Kerosene
Propst, Martin; Dorau, Tim; Joseph, Adheena Gana; Sieder-Katzmann, Jan; Buchholz, Maximilian; Tajmar, Martin; Bach, Christian; Gruber, Samira; Selbmann, Alex; Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Sobczak, Kamil; Mayer, Tobiasz; Madry, Szymon; Morawiec, Adrian; Mateusz, Pytel; Slusarski, Patryk; Stankiewicz, Michal; Hyde, Simon; Munoz Moya, Carlos
Conference Paper
2024 Evaluation of green laser source additive manufacturing technology for accelerator applications with ultra-high vacuum requirements
Ratkus, Andris; Rarison, S.; Garion, Cedric; Kos, H.; Gruber, Samira; Stepien, Lukas; Patil, Abhijeet; Lopez, Elena; Torims, Toms; Pikurs, Guntis; Vedani, Maurizio; Lacis, Viesturs
Journal Article
2024 Metal additive manufacturing for particle accelerator applications
Romano, Tobia; Delerue, Nicolas; Pikurs, Guntis; Ratkus, Andris; Torims, Toms; Lopez, Elena; Stepien, Lukas; Vretenar, Maurizio; Vedani, Maurizio
Journal Article
2024 Accuracy of Three-dimensional Scan Technology and its Possible Function in the Field of Hand Surgery
Rudari, Michele; Breuer, Joseph; Lauer, Hannes; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Dragu, Adrian; Alawi, Seyed
Journal Article
2024 Corrigendum to "High throughput laser surface micro-structuring of polystyrene by combining direct laser interference patterning with polygon scanner technology" [Mater. Lett.: X 14 (2022) 100144]
Ränke, Fabian; Baumann, Robert; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
2024 Nano/Microstructuring of Nickel Electrodes by Combining Direct Laser Interference Patterning and Polygon Scanner Processing for Efficient Hydrogen Production
Ränke, Fabian; Baumann, Robert; Voisiat, Bogdan; Soldera, Marcos; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Surfalize: A Python Library for Surface Topography and Roughness Analysis Designed for Periodic Surface Structures
Schell, Frederic; Zwahr, Christoph; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Trockenfilms, Anlage zur Herstellung eines Trockenfilms, Trockenfilm und Batterie enthaltend den Trockenfilm
Schumm, Benjamin; Girsule, Christian; Tschöcke, Sebastian; Roch, Julius; Althues, Holger
2024 Influence of Carbon-Based Fillers on the Electromagnetic Shielding Properties of a Silicone-Potting Compound
Seidel, Rafael; Katzer, Konrad; Bieck, Jakob; Langer, Maurice; Hesselbach, Julian; Heilig, Michael
Journal Article
2024 Process qualification, additive manufacturing, and postprocessing of a hydrogen peroxide/kerosene 6 kN aerospike breadboard engine
Selbmann, Alex; Gruber, Samira; Propst, Martin; Dorau, Tim; Drexler, Robert; Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Müller, Michael; Bach, Christian; Lopez, Elena; Stepien, Lukas; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2024 Effect of pre-heat temperature on enhancing the processability of pure zinc by laser-based powder bed fusion
Sheydaeianarani, Esmat; Gerdt, Leonid; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2024 PBF-LB of zinc composites modified with nanopowders: Initial insights into powder and part characterizations
Sheydaeianarani, Esmat; Gerdt, Leonid; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2024 Turm, insbesondere einen Turm einer Windenergieanlage
Standfuß, Jens
2024 Classification of Photo-Acoustic Emission in Direct Laser Interference Pattering for Identifying the Spatial Period
Steege, Tobias; Belkin, Adrian; Zwahr, Christoph; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Interview with Dr.-Ing. Stefan Makowski, Fraunhofer IWS: Using Surface Waves for Material Information
Stramka, Nicole; Makowski, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 Diffraction-based approach for real-time monitoring of nanosecond direct laser interference patterning structure formation on stainless steel
Tabares, Ignacio; Soldera, Marcos; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Electrochemical performance of boron- and nitrogen-doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon
Weber, Dustyn; Garcia, Elizabeth M.; Hebenstreit, Julius; Khalifa, Yehia; Soltero, Carlos; Rakos, Jason; Kaulfuß, Florian; Rusinek, Cory
Journal Article
2024 Low cycle fatigue of doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon coatings by repetitive micro scratch tests
Wilsnack, Erik; Zawischa, Martin; Makowski, Stefan; Zimmermann, Martina; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2024 Laser Transformation Hardening
Wissenbach, Konrad; Seifert, Marko; Pirch, Norbert; Weisheit, Andreas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2024 Fabrication of Gradient Periodic Surface Structures on Stainless Steel Using Direct Laser Interference Patterning
Wu, Tianhao; Voisiat, Bogdan; Soldera, Marcos; Soldera, Flavio; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2024 Fast and Non-Destructive Mechanical Characterization of Coatings from Thermal Spraying and Laser Cladding: Automated Surface Acoustic Wave Spectroscopy as a New Tool for Quality Control and Research
Zawischa, Martin; Makowski, Stefan
Conference Paper
2024 Performance of CuP2 Negative Electrode for Na‐Ion Batteries with CNTs As Stabilizer
Zhang, En; Saha, Arka; Jiang, Guangshen; Xu, Xiaosa; Yarmolenko, Alina; Aziz, Tarik; Grothe, Julia; Nessim, Gilbert Daniel; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 The Influence of Bias Voltage and Gas Pressure on Edge Covering during the Arc-PVD Deposition of Hard Coatings
Zimmer, Otmar; Krülle, Tim; Litterst, Thomas
Journal Article
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