Fraunhofer IWS

Hier finden Sie aktuelle Publikationen des Fraunhofer IWS aus dem Jahr 2023.

Publication Type
2023 Influence of Feedstock and Thermal Spray Process on the Phase Composition of Alumina Coatings and their Sliding Wear
Ali, O.; Ahmed, Rehan R.; Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Berger, Lutz-Michael; Matthey, Björn; Faisal, Nadimul; Ahmed, Khalid F.
Journal Article
2023 Influence of HCP/BCC interface orientation on the tribological behavior of Zr/Nb multilayer during nanoscratch: A combined experimental and atomistic study
AlMotasem, Ahmed Tamer; Daghbouj, Nabil; Sen, Hüseyin Sener; Mirzaei, Saeed; Callisti, Mauro; Polcar, Tomas
Journal Article
2023 Multi-Scale Analysis of Lithium-Sulfur Pouch Cells Using Imaging Methods
Arlt, Tobias; Schmidt, Florian; Ziesche, Ralf; Selve, Sören; Boenke, Tom; Abendroth, Thomas; Lu, Yan; Dörfler, Susanne; Risse, Sebastian; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan; Manke, Ingo
Journal Article
2023 Unravelling the Water Adsorption Mechanism in Hierarchical MOFs: Insights from In Situ Positron Annihilation Lifetime Studies
Attallah, Ahmed G.; Bon, Volodymyr; Maity, Kartik; Hirschmann, Eric; Butterling, Maik; Wagner, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Influence of the Dross Formation of the Laser-Cut Edge on the Fatigue Strength of AISI 304
Bach, Julia; Zeuner, André; Wanski, Thomas; Fischer, Sarah; Herwig, Patrick; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2023 Spectrally resolved temporal coherence of spectrally narrowband filtered high-power supercontinuum light source versus an appropriately treated laser-driven plasma light source
Baselt, Tobias; Taudt, Christopher; Ruf, Daniel; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Development and characterization of a two-photon fluorescence microscope for collagen tissue based on a nanosecond laser
Baselt, Tobias; Scheller, Robert; Fleck, Burkhard; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Direct laser interference patterning of cemented cutting tools
Baumann, Robert; Bouraoui, Yasmine; Teicher, Uwe; Selbmann, Erik; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Conference Paper
2023 Tailored Laser Structuring of Tungsten Carbide Cutting Tools for Improving their Tribological Performance in Turning Aluminum Alloy Al6061 T6
Baumann, Robert; Bouraoui, Yasmine; Teicher, Uwe; Selbmann, Erik; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Improvement of cutting tools using laser-induced periodic surface structures for machining Aluminium alloy Al 6061 T6
Baumann, Robert; Bouraoui, Yasmine; Teicher, Uwe; Selbmann, Erik; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Conference Paper
2023 NewATHENA optics technology
Bavdaz, Marcos; Wille, Eric; Ayre, Mark; Ferreira, Ivo; Shortt, Brian; Fransen, Sebastian; Collon, Maximilien; Vacanti, Giuseppe; Barrière, Nicolas; Landgraf, Boris; Girou, David Alain; Riekerink, Mark Olde; Haneveld, Jeroen; Start, Ronald; Schurink, Bart; Baren, Coen van; Della Monica Ferreira, Desiree; Massahi, Sonny; Svendsen, Sara; Christensen, Finn Erland; Krumrey, Michael; Skroblin, Dieter; Burwitz, Vadim; Pareschi, Giovanni; Salmaso, Bianca; Moretti, Alberto; Spiga, Daniele; Basso, Stefano Maria Massimiliano; Valsecchi, Giuseppe; Vernani, Dervis; Lupton, Paul; Mundon, William; Dunnell, Ethan; Riede, Mirko; Korhonen, Tapio; Pasanen, Mikko; Sanchez Becerra, Alejandro; Heinis, Dominique; Colldelram, Carles; Tordi, Massimiliano; Niewrzella, Norman; Willingale, Richard
Conference Paper
2023 Centriselect - A novel approach for centrifugal cell separation
Behrens, Stephan; Hähne, Philipp; Schmieder, Peter; Schmieder, Florian
Journal Article
2023 Raman spectroscopy and hyper-spectral imaging for quality control of CIGS solar cells
Biasio, Martin de; Zikulnig, Johanna; Muehleisen, Wolfgang; Gevaerts, Veronique; Simor, Marcel; Gruber, Florian; Wollmann, Philipp; Grählert, Wulf; Arnold, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 The role of polysulfide-saturation in electrolytes for high power applications of real world Li-S pouch cells
Boenke, Tom; Kirchhoff, Sebastian; Reuter, Florian Steffen; Schmidt, Florian; Weller, Christine; Dörfler, Susanne; Schwedtmann, Kai; Härtel, Paul; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Weigand, Jan J.; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 High Performance of Liquid-Gated Silicon Nanowire FETs Covered with Ultrathin Layers of Diamond-Like Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon
Boichuk, Nazarii; Kutovyi, Yurii; Pustovyi, Denys; Zhang, Yongqiang; Weihnacht, Volker; Vitusevich, Svetlana
Journal Article
2023 Laser fusion cutting: The missing link between gas dynamics and cut edge topography
Borkmann, Madlen; Mahrle, Achim; Wetzig, Andreas
Journal Article
2023 PMMA Optical Diffusers with Hierarchical Surface Structures Imprinted by Hot Embossing of Laser-Textured Stainless Steel
Bouchard, Felix; Soldera, Marcos; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Spreading Behavior of Oil on Hierarchical Microstructured PET Surfaces Fabricated Using Hot‐Embossing Combined with Laser‐Based Methods
Bouchard, Felix; Soldera, Marcos; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Digitalisierung in der Werkstoffprüfung
Bretschneider, Jörg; Zösch, Antje; Ott, Gritt; Hausmann, Solveig; Gonsior, Julius; Hauer, Florian; Naumann, Uwe; Scherbaum, Roman; Zimmermann, Martina
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 Special issue of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2023
Brückner, Frank; Bremen, Sebastian; Müller, Bernhard
2023 Flow rate improvements in additively manufactured flow channels suitable for rocket engine application
Buchholz, Maximilian; Gruber, Samira; Selbmann, Alex; Marquardt, Axel; Meier, Lucas; Müller, Michael; Seifert, Lukas; Leyens, Christoph; Tajmar, Martin; Bach, Christian
Journal Article
2023 Impact of Printing Parameters on Green Density Homogeneity in Lithography-based Metal Manufacturing
Burkhardt, Carlo; Vogel, Lucas; Zimmermann, Martina; Khan, Ali Qaiser
Conference Paper
2023 Enhanced process understanding for laser welding of copper and aluminum alloys with dynamic beam oscillation
Börner, Stephan; Dittrich, Dirk; Barrios Larranaga, Joseph; Wetzig, Andreas; Sawannia, Michael; Reinheimer, Eveline N.; Heider, Andreas; Ramsayer, Reiner
Conference Paper
2023 Understanding Substrate Mechanics and Chemo‐Mechanical Behavior of Columnar Silicon Films to Enable Deformation Free Anodes for High‐Energy Li‐Ion Batteries
Cangaz, Sahin; Lohrberg, Oliver; Abendroth, Thomas; Heubner, Christian; Schmidt, Florian; Althues, Holger; Dörfler, Susanne; Michaelis, Alexander; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Tensile Properties of Inconel 718 Produced by LMD-Wire
Cormier, Jonathan; Cabeza, Sandra; Burlot, Guillaume; Bordas, R.; Bordas-Czaplicki, M.; Machado Alves da Fonseca, F.; Polenz, Stefan; Marquardt, Franz; Lopez, Elena; Villechaise, Patrick
Conference Paper
2023 Auslegung und Erprobung einer induktiven Erwärmungsvorrichtung zum Ausschmelzen von Großsprengmitteln verschiedenster Durchmesser und Wandstärken
Dam van, Philipp Duc
Diploma Thesis
2023 A Novel PowderMEMS Technique for Fabrication of Low‐Cost High‐Power‐Factor Thermoelectric Films and Micro‐Patterns
Deng, Kangfa; Zhang, Qihao; Fu, Yangxi; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Reith, Heiko; Nielsch, Kornelius
Journal Article
2023 Effect of pH on wettability properties on aluminium alloy surfaces treated with direct laser writing
Dib Hasan, Josefina; Zschach, Lis Geraldine; Baumann, Robert; Spitz, Franziska; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Challenges of aortic valve tissue culture - maintenance of viability and extracellular matrix in the pulsatile dynamic microphysiological system
Dittfeld, Claudia; Winkelkotte, Maximilian; Scheer, Anna; Voigt, Emmely; Schmieder, Florian; Behrens, Stephan; Jannasch, Anett; Matschke, Klaus; Sonntag, Frank; Tugtekin, Sems-Malte
Journal Article
2023 Towards in-line real-time characterization of roll-to-roll produced ZTO/Ag/ITO thin films by hyperspectral imaging
Dogan-Surmeier, Susanne; Gruber, Florian; Maurer, Christian; Bieder, Steffen; Schlenz, Patrick; Paulus, Michael; Albers, Christian; Schneider, Eric; Thiering, Nicola; Tolan, Metin; Wollmann, Philipp; Cornelius, Steffen; Sternemann, Christian
Journal Article
2023 Investigation of the pre-stretch-dependent stability and force output of carbon-fiber-reinforced dielectric elastomer actuators
Endesfelder, Anett; Koenigsdorff, Markus; Mersch, Johannes; Ullmann, Moritz; Zimmermann, Martina; Gerlach, Gerald
Conference Paper
2023 Approach to transferring force-based fatigue curves into stress-related fatigue curves for clinch joints
Ewenz, Lars; Kuczyk, Martin; Zimmermann, Martina
Conference Paper
2023 Laser-assisted reduction of iron ore using aluminum powder
Fedina, Tatiana; Brueckner, Frank; Kaplan, Alexander F.H.; Wilsnack, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Getriebeelements mit einer als Gleitlager fungierenden Oberfläche
Fernandes Barbosa, Maria Manuel; Hillig, Holger; Nowotny, Steffen; Bischoff, René; Hosemann, Jörg
2023 Status of the demonstration of the critical technologies of the ATHENA telescope
Ferreira, Ivo; Bavdaz, Marcos; Ayre, Mark; Wille, Eric; Brian Shortt; Fransen, Sebastiaan; Collon, Maximilien; Vacanti, Giuseppe; Barrière, Nicolas; Landgraf, Boris; Riekerink, Mark Olde; Haneveld, Jeroen; Start, Ronald; Baren, Coen van; Della Monica Ferreira, Desiree; Massahi, Sonny; Svendsen, Sara; Christensen, Finn; Krumrey, Michael; Skroblin, Dieter; Burwitz, Vadim; Pareschi, Giovanni; Tagliaferri, Gianpiero; Salmaso, Bianca; Basso, Stefano Maria Massimiliano; Moretti, Alberto; Spiga, Daniele; Valsecchi, Giuseppe; Vernani, Dervis; Lupton, Paul; Mundon, William; Gavin Phillips; Schneider, Jakob; Korhonen, Tapio; Sanchez Becerra, Alejandro; Heinis, Dominique; Colldelram, Carles; Tordi, Massimiliano; Willingale, Richard
Conference Paper
2023 Mechanistic Insights into the Cycling Behavior of Sulfur Dry‐Film Cathodes
Fiedler, Magdalena; Cangaz, Sahin; Hippauf, Felix; Dörfler, Susanne; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
Franke, Volker; Gruber, Florian; Zywitzki, Olaf; Fuchs, Theobald
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 Increase in residual lifetime due to low amplitude cycles and dwell times at room temperature: Observations and suspected mechanisms
Geilen, Max Benedikt; Klein, Marcus; Kolyshkin, Anton; Kühne, Robert; Oechsner, Matthias
Journal Article
2023 Alloy Design of Feedstock Material for Additive Manufacturing - Exploring the Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Ti Compositionally Complex Alloys
Gerdt, Leonid; Müller, Michelle; Heidowitzsch, Maximilian; Kaspar, Jörg; Lopez, Elena; Zimmermann, Martina; Leyens, Christoph; Hilhorst, Antoine; Jacques, Pascal
Conference Paper
2023 Fine-tuning effect of Direct Laser Interference Patterning on the surface states and the corrosion behavior of a biomedical additively manufactured beta Ti alloy
Goldberg, Phil; Hariharan, Avinash; Schell, Frederic; Hantusch, Martin; Cichocka, Magdalena Ola; Perez, Nicolas; Voß, Andrea; Giebeler, Lars; Hoffmann, Volker; Zwahr, Christoph; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Gebert, Annett
Journal Article
2023 Acoustically induced vocal training for individuals with impaired hearing
Graf, Simone; Bungenstock, Anna; Richter, Lena; Unterhofer, Carmen; Gruner, Michael; Hartmann, Peter; Hoyer, Patrick
Journal Article
2023 Process development for laser powder bed fusion of GRCop-42 using a 515 nm laser source
Gruber, Samira; Stepien, Lukas; Gerdt, Leonid; Lopez, Elena; Kieser, Jan Aleksander; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph; Bratt, Craig
Journal Article
2023 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Ermitteln einer Durchlässigkeit einer Probe
Grählert, Wulf; Gruber, Florian; Holfeld, Wilhelm
2023 Experimental and numerical characterization of imperfect additively manufactured lattices based on triply periodic minimal surfaces
Günther, Fabian; Pilz, Stefan; Hirsch, Franz; Wagner, Markus; Kästner, Markus; Gebert, Annett; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2023 Shape optimization of additively manufactured lattices based on triply periodic minimal surfaces
Günther, Fabian; Pilz, Stefan; Hirsch, Franz Wolfgang; Wagner, Markus; Kästner, Markus; Gebert, Annett; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2023 Process-structure-property relationships of additively manufactured lattice structures based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS)
Günther, Fabian; Wagner, Markus; Pilz, S.; Gebert, Annett; Zimmermann, Martina
Conference Paper
2023 Covalent Organic Frameworks as Model Materials for Fundamental and Mechanistic Understanding of Organic Battery Design Principles
Haldar, Sattwick; Schneemann, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan
2023 Sulfide-Bridged Covalent Quinoxaline Frameworks for Lithium‐Organosulfide Batteries
Haldar, Sattwick; Bhauriyal, Preeti; Ramuglia, Anthony R.; Khan, Arafat H.; Kock, Sunel de; Hazra, Arpan; Bon, Volodymyr; Pastoetter, Dominik L.; Kirchhoff, Sebastian; Shupletsov, Leonid; De, Ankita; Isaacs, Mark A.; Feng, Xinliang; Walter, Michael; Brunner, Eike; Weidinger, Inez; Heine, Thomas; Schneemann, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Covalent Trapping of Cyclic-Polysulfides in Perfluorinated Vinylene-Linked Frameworks for Designing Lithium-Organosulfide Batteries
Haldar, Sattwick; Wäntig, Albrecht; Ramuglia, Anthony; Bhauriyal, Preeti; Khan, Arafat; Pastoetter, Dominik; Isaacs, Mark; De, Ankita; Brunner, Eike; Wang, Mingchao; Weidinger, Inez; Feng, Xinliang; Heine, Thomas; Schneemann, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Process Parameter Development and Optimization of AlSi10Mg Alloy using Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) in a Large Inert Chamber
Haldurai, Gunasekar
Master Thesis
2023 Optoelectronic performance of indium tin oxide thin films structured by sub-picosecond direct laser interference patterning
Heffner, Herman; Soldera, Marcos; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Surface Modification of Fluorine‐Doped Tin Oxide Thin Films Using Femtosecond Direct Laser Interference Patterning: A Study of the Optoelectronic Performance
Heffner, Herman; Soldera, Marcos; Ränke, Fabian; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Enhanced light-trapping capabilities of FTO and ITO Thin Films using Direct Laser Interference Patterning (DLIP) for Photovoltaic Applications
Heffner, Herman; Brunner, Julius; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Vaynzof, Yana
Meeting Abstract
2023 Grain size manipulation by wire laser direct energy deposition of 316L with ultrasonic assistance
Heidowitzsch, Maximilian; Gerdt, Leonid; Samuel, Conrad; Maetje, Jacob-Florian; Kaspar, Joerg; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Numerical simulation of periodic surface structures created by direct laser interference patterning
Heinrich, Martin; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Schwarze, Rüdiger
Journal Article
2023 Influence of the deposition process and substrate on microstructure, phase composition, and residual stress state on as-deposited Cr-Al-C coatings
Heinze, Stefan; Krülle, Tim; Ewenz, Lars; Krywka, Christina A.; Davydok, Anton; Stark, Andreas; Cremer, Rainer; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Influence of the deposition process on the Cr2AlC phase formation during heat treatment of Cr-Al-C thin films
Heinze, Stefan; Stark, Andreas; Hendl, Julius; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Electron beam powder bed fusion manufacturing of a Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr alloy: A microstructure and mechanical properties’ correlation study
Hendl, Julius; Marquardt, Axel; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Multi-Scale Structuring of CoCrMo and AZ91D Magnesium Alloys Using Direct Laser Interference Patterning
Henriques, Bruno; Fabris, Douglas; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Multi-scale textured PEEK surfaces obtained by direct laser interference patterning using IR ultra-short pulses
Henriques, Bruno; Fabris, Douglas; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Fabrication of functional zirconia surfaces using a two‐beam interference setup employing a picosecond laser system with 532‐nm wavelength: Morphology, microstructure, and wettability
Henriques, Bruno; Fabris, Douglas; Voisiat, Bogdan; Boccaccini, Aldo; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Field Emission Properties of Highly Conductive Diamond-Like Carbon Layers
Hentsch, Georg; Martin, Tajmar; Weihnacht, Volker
Conference Paper
2023 Design for TRL - Technologiereifes Design entlang von Entwicklungsprozessen der angewandten Forschung
Hermeling, Christian; Theling, Thomas; Forytta, Markus; Krzywinski, Jens
Conference Paper
2023 Neue Elektrolyt- und Anoden-Konzepte für die Lithium-Schwefel-Batterie
Hoffmann, Florian
Doctoral Thesis
2023 An Ether‐Based Low Density Electrolyte for the Use of Graphite Anodes in Stable Lithium‐Sulfur Batteries
Hoffmann, Florian; Schmidt, Florian; Müller, Jannes; Schönherr, Kay; Dörfler, Susanne; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Kwade, Arno; Wu, Nae-Lih; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Innovative welding conception for thin-walled sheet metal components
Jahn, Axel; Keßler, Benjamin; Berger, Andrea; Seifert, Marko; Roch, Teja
Conference Paper
2023 AI-based analysis of extremely low-resolved spectrogram fingerprints for the calculation of surface profiles in low-coherence interferometry
Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Taudt, Christopher; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Optical pulse generation in nanosecond range with conventional high-power LED modules for metrology and calibration purposes
Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Elena; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Evaluation of Grain Growth Using Master Sintering Curve and Dilatometry Data for Binder Jetted Parts
Kancharla, Deekshitha; Greifzu, Moritz; Marquardt, Axel; Eckardt, Joanna
Conference Paper
2023 Laser induced reduction of iron ore by silicon
Kaplan, Alexander; Fedina, Tatiana; Brückner, Frank; Powell, John
Journal Article
2023 Laser-induced reduction of iron ore: Trends of the chemical distribution across the domains
Kaplan, Alexander F. H.; Fedina, Tatiana; Brückner, Frank; Naesstroem, Himani
Journal Article
2023 Combinatorial Alloy Design and Microstructure Evolution in Laser-cladded Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Ti Compositionally Complex Alloys
Kaspar, Joerg; Hilhorst, Antoine; Gerdt, Leonid; Müller, Michael; Heidowitzsch, Maximilian; Kuczyk, Martin; Bettanini, Alvise Miotti; Jacques, Pierre; Zimmermann, Martina; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Artificial Interphase Design Employing Inorganic-Organic Components for High-Energy Lithium-Metal Batteries
Kim, Yong-il; Stepien, Dominik; Moon, Hyein; Schönherr, Kay; Schumm, Benjamin; Kuenzel, Matthias; Althues, Holger; Bresser, Dominic; Passerini, Stefano
Journal Article
2023 Evaluation of Glyoxal-Based Electrolytes for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Kirchhoff, Sebastian; Leibing, Christian; Härtel, Paul; Abendroth, Thomas; Dörfler, Susanne; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan; Balducci, Andrea
Journal Article
2023 Statistical learning method for modal analysis of optical fibers
Kläber, Leander; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Schuschies, Antje; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Roboterkinematik für die hyperspektrale Bildgebung
Knieß, Robert
Diploma Thesis
2023 Hydrogen Bubble Size Distribution on Nanostructured Ni Surfaces: Electrochemically Active Surface Area Versus Wettability
Krause, Lukas; Skibińska, Katarzyna; Rox, Hannes; Baumann, Robert; Marzec, Mateusz; Yang, Xuegeng; Mutschke, Gerd; Żabiński, Piotr; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Eckert, Kerstin
Journal Article
2023 Thin and Homogenous Surface Functionalization of Lithium Metal Anodes by Defined Molecular Treatment
Krauskopf, Bastian; Otto, Svenja-Katharina; Moryson, Yannik; Hoffmann, Florian; Sann, Joachim; Janek, Jürgen
Journal Article
2023 In situ mechanical testing of hard yet tough high entropy nitride coatings deposited on compliant steel substrates
Kuczyk, Martin; Zawischa, Martin; Krülle, Tim; Vollhüter, Jan; Zeiler, Stefan; Leonhardt, Michael; Kaspar, Jörg; Zimmer, Otmar; Göken, Mathias; Leyens, Christoph; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2023 Ultrarapid Industrial Large-Area Processing Using Laser Interference Patterning Methods
Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Mulko, Lucinda; Soldera, Marcos
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 The role of impurities in porous carbons for bioinspired iontronic devices
Li, Panlong; Unglaube, Niklas; Zhou, Hanfeng; Dong, Xiaoli; Xia, Yongyao; Xu, Xiaosa; Birnbaum, Anja; Grothe, Julia; Michel, Stefan; Auernhammer, Günter K.; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Understanding the Impact of Active-to-Passive Area Ratio on Deformation in One-Dimensional Dielectric Elastomer Actuators with Uniaxial Strain State
Liebscher, Hans; Koenigsdorff, Markus; Endesfelder, Anett; Mersch, Johannes; Zimmermann, Martina; Gerlach, Gerald
Journal Article
2023 Influence of the active-to-passive area ratio on the electrically induced strain of a fiber-reinforced dielectric elastomer actuator
Liebscher, Hans; Endesfelder, Anett; Koenigsdorff, Markus; Mersch, Johannes; Zimmermann, Martina; Gerlach, Gerald
Conference Paper
2023 Laser mediated fusing of paper materials
Lull, Florian; Zahel, Martin; Panzner, Michael; Schilling, Tom
Conference Paper
2023 Fracture toughness of AlSi10Mg alloy produced by direct energy deposition with different crack plane orientations
Lupi, Giorgia; Menezes, João Teixeira Oliveira De; Belelli, Filippo; Bruzzo, Francesco; Lopez, Elena; Volpp, Jörg; Castrodeza, Enrique Mariano; Casati, Riccardo
Journal Article
2023 Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Properties of Alsi10mg Alloy Produced by Direct Energy Deposition with Different Crack Plane Orientations
Lupi, Giorgia; de Menezes, Joao Teixeira Oliveira; Belelli, Filippo; Bruzzo, Francesco; Volpp, Joerg; Castrodeza, Enrique Mariano; Casati, Riccardo
Conference Paper
2023 A Semi-Empirical Model of Cathodic Arc Spot Motion under the Influence of External Magnetic Fields
Mahrle, Achim; Zimmer, Otmar; Schenk, Steffen; Borkmann, Madlen; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Investigations on dross formation susceptibility in laser fusion cutting of different stainless steel compositions with emphasis on minor element effects
Mahrle, Achim; Wanski, Thomas; Zeuner, André Till; Herwig, Patrick; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2023 Numerical study of a plasma jet for plasma-assisted laser cutting
Manzke, Sebastian; Krümmer, Moritz; Urlau, Franz; Mahrle, Achim; Füssel, Uwe; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Additive Manufacturing of Side-Coupled Cavity Linac Structures from Pure Copper: A First Concept
Mayerhofer, Michael; Brenner, Stefan; Helm, Ricardo; Gruber, Samira; Lopez, Elena; Stepien, Lukas; Gold, Gerald; Dollinger, Günther
Journal Article
2023 Special Issue Featuring Papers from the International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2022
Mcdonald, André J.; Bakan, Emine; Cizek, Jan; Houdková, Šárka; Koivuluoto, Heli; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Li, Hua; Toma, Filofteia-Laura
2023 Development of Suspension Feedstocks for Thermally Sprayed Zn2TiO4 Coatings
Meyer, Anja; Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Kunze, Oliver; Böhme, Andreas; Matthey, Björn; Potthoff, Annegret; Kaiser, Arno; Gestrich, Tim; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Positive Effect of Periodic Micropatterns on Compression Ring Friction
Michelberger, Björn; Schell, Frederic; Jaitner, Dirk; Götze, Andreas; Leupolt, Beate; Wetzel, Franz-Josef; Leson, Andreas; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Spatiotemporal Design of the Metal-Organic Framework DUT-8(M)
Miura, Hiroki; Bon, Volodymyr; Senkovska, Irena; Ehrling, Sebastian; Bönisch, Nadine; Mäder, Gerrit; Grünzner, Stefan; Khadiev, Azat; Novikov, Dmitri; Maity, Kartik; Richter, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Influence of Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Process Parameters at Constant Volumetric Energy Density on Surface Topography and Microstructural Homogeneity of a Titanium Aluminide Alloy
Moritz, Juliane; Teschke, Mirko; Marquardt, Axel; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Walther, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Influence of Two-Step Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a β-Solidifying Titanium Aluminide Alloy Fabricated via Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion
Moritz, Juliane; Teschke, Mirko; Marquardt, Axel; Heinze, Stefan; Heckert, Mirko; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Walther, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Locally Adapted Microstructures in an Additively Manufactured Titanium Aluminide Alloy Through Process Parameter Variation and Heat Treatment
Moritz, Juliane; Teschke, Mirko; Marquardt, Axel; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Walther, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 On the design and development of foamed GO-hydrogel nanocomposite surfaces by ultra-short laser processing
Mulko, Lucinda; Cuello, Emma; Baumann, Robert; Ramuglia, Anthony; Weidinger, Inez; Acevedo, Diego; Barbero, Cesar; Molina, Maria; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Intelligente Prozesseinrichtung anhand emittierter akustischer Oberflächenwellen für die direkte Laserinterferenzstrukturierung
Muntschick, Clarita
Diploma Thesis
2023 Multimaterial direct energy deposition: From three-dimensionally graded components to rapid alloy development for advanced materials
Müller, Michael; Labisch, Carl-Christoph; Gerdt, Leonid; Bach, Hoang Linh; Riede, Mirko; Kaspar, Joerg; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Zimmermann, Martina; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica
Publication Type
2023 Influence of process parameter variation on the microstructure of thin walls made of Inconel 718 deposited via laser-based directed energy deposition with blown powder
Müller, Michael; Franz, Kevin; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Hybrid approaches for reducing defects in laser-based direct energy deposition of nickel-based superalloys
Müller, Michael; Poetke, Stephanie; Heckert, M.; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Conference Paper
2023 Analyse des Schaltverhaltens elektrochromer Verglasungen mit PDLC-Technologie in Abhängigkeit des Einflusses elektrischer Parameter und Temperatur der Bauteile
Müller, Michelle
Diploma Thesis
2023 Unveiling the Inner Workings of Lithium-Sulfur Pouch Cells: A Multimodal Operando Analysis Approach
Müller, Rafael; Risse, Sebastian; Hilger, Andre; Kardjilov, Nikolay; Boenke, Tom
Journal Article
2023 Microphysiological Conditions Do Not Affect MDR1-Mediated Transport of Rhodamine 123 above an Artificial Proximal Tubule
Namazian Jam, Negin; Gottlöber, Felix; Hempel, Melanie; Dzekhtsiarova, Yuliya; Behrens, Stephan; Sonntag, Frank; Sradnick, Jan; Hugo, Christian; Schmieder, Florian
Journal Article
2023 Investigation of Ablation Efficiency of Stainless Steel Using Pulsed Lasers in Burst Mode
Obergfell, Dirk; Azarhoushang, Bahman; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Detection of anti-SARS CoV-2 antibodies in human serum by means of Bloch surface waves on 1D photonic crystal biochips
Occhicone, Agostino; Sinibaldi, Alberto; Chiappetta, Daniele; Matteo, Paola di; Pileri, Tommaso; Danz, Norbert; Sonntag, Frank; Munzert, Peter; Allegretti, Matteo; Pascale, Valentina de; Mandoj, Chiara; Michelotti, Francesco
Journal Article
2023 Online process monitoring of direct laser interference patterning using an infrared camera system
Olawsky, Lukas; Moghtaderifard, Stephan; Kuhn, Clemens; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Monitoring Direct Laser Interference Patterning of metallic substrates using an infrared camera system
Olawsky, Lukas; Moghtaderifard, Stephan; Kuhn, Clemens; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Conference Paper
2023 Comparison of different multi-laser powder bed fusion exposure strategies and their influence on the part quality of IN718
Pfalz, Tino; Rota, Astrid; Saeidnezhad, Nazila; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Influence of isothermal omega precipitation aging on deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of a β-type Ti-Nb alloy
Pilz, Stefan; Hariharan, Avinash; Günther, Fabian; Zimmermann, Martina; Gebert, Annett
Journal Article
2023 Partially Lithiated Microscale Silicon Particles as Anode Material for High‐Energy Solid‐State Lithium‐Ion Batteries
Poetke, Stephanie; Cangaz, Sahin; Hippauf, Felix; Haufe, Stefan; Dörfler, Susanne; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Advanced laser in-situ joining for continuous co-consolidation of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic laminates
Pohl, Eric; Langer, Maurice; Rauscher, Peter; Bleil, Niklas; Jahn, Axel; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Conference Paper
2023 Use of the Laser Fragmentation Method in the Extraction of LFCM from the Shelter
Proskurin, Oleksandr; Saveliev, Maxym; Molitor, Norbert; Wetzig, Andreas; Herwig, Patrick; Hauptmann, Jan
Journal Article
2023 Printed Athermal Mirror (PAM) based on AlSi40 and NiP coating for space application
Reutlinger, Arnd; Eberle, Sebastian; Wilsnack, Christoph; Moritz, Juliane; Stute, Andreas; Lucarelli, Stefano; Brandão, Ana; Danielsson, Joel
Conference Paper
2023 Hybrid laser metal deposition of a Fe-Cr-Mo-V-Mn tool steel for hot stamping applications
Romano, Tobia; Abdelwahed, Marawan; Bengtsson, Sven; Bruzzo, Francesco; Casati, Riccardo; Gedda, Hans; Lopez, Elena; Ulfberg, Petter; Wilsnack, Christoph; Vedani, Maurizio
Journal Article
2023 Damage characterisation of tantalum ion source electrodes and reconditioning by wire- and powder-based laser metal deposition
Romano, Tobia; Kroģere, Dagnija; Ratkus, Andris; Lauer, Hannes; Marquardt, Franz; Vedani, Maurizio; Obradors, Diego; Weinmann, Markus; Torims, Toms
Journal Article
2023 Wear Mechanism of Superhard Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon (ta‐C) Coatings for Biomedical Applications
Rothammer, Benedict; Schwendner, Michael; Bartz, Marcel; Wartzack, Sandro; Böhm, Thomas; Krauß, Sebastian; Merle, Benoit; Schröder, Stefan; Uhler, Maximilian; Kretzer, Jan Philippe; Weihnacht, Volker; Marian, Max
Journal Article
2023 Investigation to evaluate the aging condition utilizing UV radiation of carbon black filled rubber compounds as measured by ATR spectroscopy
Rudek, Florian; Weichenhain, Linda; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Differentiation of biological tissue based on angle-resolved scattering distribution using fiber-coupled single-mode light source with spectrally controllable emission characteristics
Ruf, Daniel; Baselt, Tobias; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Historical Paper Documents
Rögner, Frank-Holm; Schottner, Gerhard; Grählert, Wulf; Gruber, Florian; Fuchs, Theobald; Hügle, Johannes
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 Increasing Heat Transfer from Metal Surfaces through Laser-Interference-Induced Microscopic Heat Sinks
Schell, Frederic; Okafor, Richard Chukwudi; Steege, Tobias; Alamri, Sabri; Ghevariya, Savan; Zwahr, Christoph; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Laser interference-treatment tunes surface states and corrosion behavior of additively manufactured near-beta Ti alloy
Schell, Frederic; Goldberg, Phil; Hariharan, Avinash; Hantusch, Martin; Cichocka, Magdalena Ola; Perez, Nicolas; Voß, Andrea; Giebeler, Lars; Hoffmann, Volker; Zwahr, Christoph; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Gebert, Annett
Conference Paper
2023 Impact of the Carbon Matrix Composition on the S/C Cathode Porosity and Performance in Prototype Li-S Cells
Schmidt, Florian; Fiedler, Magdalena; Arlt, Tobias; De, Ankita; Hoffmann, Florian; Wilde, Fabian; Dörfler, Susanne; Schumm, Benjamin; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Studies on micromanipulation capabilities of micro-objects and combined Raman spectroscopy based on photonic jet fiber optic
Schmiedel, Karsten; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Baselt, Tobias; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Flow and pressure in ex vivo tissue culture. Focus on tissue microenvironment and prolonged tissue culture
Schmieder, Florian; Behrens, Stephan; Bargmann, Tonia; Polk, Christoph; Sonntag, Frank
2023 Micro physiological systems for ex vivo tissue culture. Focus on prolonged tissue viability and parallel online monitoring
Schmieder, Florian; Behrens, Stephan; Philipp, Jürgen; Ullrich, M.; Sihver, W.; Sonntag, Frank
2023 Additive manufacturing of a metallic optical bench-process development, material qualification and demonstration
Schneider, Jakob; Norman, Andrew; Gumpinger, Johannes; Brückner, Frank; Bavdaz, Marcos; Leyens, Christoph; Ghidini, Tommaso
Journal Article
2023 Diffraction‐Based Strategy for Monitoring Topographical Features Fabricated by Direct Laser Interference Patterning
Schröder, Nikolai; Fischer, Christoph; Soldera, Marcos; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Surface conditions after Laser Shock Peening of steel and aluminum alloys using ultrafast laser pulses
Schubnell, Jan; Carl, Eva-Regine; Sarmast, Ardeshir; Hinterstein, Jan Manuel; Preußner, Johannes; Seifert, Marco; Kaufmann, Christoph; Russbueldt, Peter; Schulte, Jan
Journal Article
2023 Vorrichtung zum selektiven Materialabtrag an Strukturelementen oder Schichten, die auf Oberflächen von Substraten ausgebildet sind
Schulz, Stefan; Hartmann, Peter; Baselt, Tobias; Kannegießer, Torsten
2023 Optimierte reaktive Bondtechnologie auf der Basis neuartiger Zirkonium-Systeme für den Einsatz in der Mikrosystemtechnik
Schumacher, A.; Knappmann, S.; Meyer, P.; Dietrich, G.; Böttcher, Julius; Pflug, Erik; Grün, A.; Käpplinger, I.; Dehé, A.
Conference Paper
2023 Reactive bonding of an integrated CMOS strain sensor to steel by using hard and soft solders
Schumacher, Axel; Meyer, Peter; Buschbeck, Georg; Pflug, Erik; Böttcher, Julius; Knappmann, Stephan; Hehn, Thorsten; Dehé, Alfons
Conference Paper
2023 Dry battery electrode processing, what's next?
Schumm, Benjamin; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Pre-processing dermatological image data to significantly improve the performance of cyclic GAN models
Schuschies, Antje; Kläber, Leander; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Hartmann, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 Tailored Pre-Lithiation Using Melt-Deposited Lithium Thin Films
Schönherr, Kay; Pöthe, Markus; Schumm, Benjamin; Althues, Holger; Leyens, Christoph; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Optical and fractal properties of sputter deposited TiO2 films
Shakoury, Reza; Nahvifard, Elahe; Arman, Ali; Astinchap, B.; Jurečka, Stanislav; Mardani, Majid; Amreaa-Red, Ghasem; Mirzaei, Saeed
Journal Article
2023 Mechanically robust hydrophobic fluorine-doped diamond-like carbon film on glass substrate
Sharifahmadian, Omid; Pakseresht, Amir Hossein; Mirzaei, Saeed; Eliáš, Marek; Galusek, Dušan
Journal Article
2023 Compact Optical System Based on Scatterometry for Off-Line and Real-Time Monitoring of Surface Micropatterning Processes
Soldera, Marcos; Weiss-Teutoburg, Sascha; Schröder, Nikolai; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Enhancing Sample Efficiency for Temperature Control in DED with Reinforcement Learning and MOOSE Framework
Sousa, Joao; Darabi, Roya; Sousa, Armando; Reis, Luís; Brückner, Frank; Reis, Ana Isabel; Sá, José César de
Conference Paper
2023 Prediction of Surface Roughness in Functional Laser Surface Texturing Utilizing Machine Learning
Steege, Tobias; Bernard, Gaëtan; Darm, Paul; Kunze, Tim; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Effect of Process Pressure on Carbon-Based Thin Films Deposited by Cathodic Arc on Stainless Steel for Bipolar Plates
Steinhorst, Maximilian; Giorgio, Maurizio; Roch, Teja; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Modelling and corrosion of coated stainless steel substrates for bipolar plates at different temperatures
Steinhorst, Maximilian; Auinger, Michael; Roch, Teja; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Bias Voltage Dependency of Structural and Bipolar Plate-Related Properties of Cathodic Arc-Deposited Carbon-Based Coatings
Steinhorst, Maximilian; Giorgio, Maurizio; Roch, Teja; Leyens, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Latest developments in coaxial multiwire high-power laser cladding
Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Hillig, Holger; Kaubisch, Marc; Shakhverdova, Irina; Seifert, Marko; Brückner, Frank
Journal Article
2023 Microstructural Characterization and Oscillating Sliding Wear Investigations of the Aqueous Suspension Sprayed HVOF WC-12Co Coatings
Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Meyer, Anja; Kunze, Oliver; Shakhverdova, Irina; Matthey, Björn; Härtwig, Fabian; Mayer, Markus; Potthoff, Annegret; Pötschke, Johannes; Makowski, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Evaluation of geometrical precision and surface roughness quality for the additively manufactured radio frequency quadrupole prototype
Torims, Toms; Cherif, A.; Delerue, Nicholas; Foppa Pedretti, M.; Gruber, Samira; Krogere, D.; Lopez, Elena; Otto, T.; Pikurs, Guntis; Pozzi, Matteo; Ratkus, A.; Thielmann, Michael; Vedani, Maurizio; Vretenar, M.; Wagenblast, Philipp C.
Journal Article
2023 Metamodellentwicklung zur Schweißparameterprognose auf Basis multivariater Schliffbilddaten von linienförmigen Schweißverbindungen
Ullmann, Linda; Dittrich, Dirk; Wagner, Markus; Schwarz, Christian; Puschmann, Markus; Botsch, B.; Püschel, F.
Conference Paper
2023 A New In Vitro Blood Flow Model for the Realistic Evaluation of Antimicrobial Surfaces
Valtin, Juliane; Behrens, Stephan; Ruland, André; Schmieder, Florian; Sonntag, Frank; Renner, Lars; Maitz, Manfred; Werner, Carsten
Journal Article
2023 Laser surface processing enables lightweight and additive-free hybrid material structures with high bond strength
Veliu, Aldo; Kuntze, Thomas; Franke, Volker; Lull, Florian
2023 New possibilities for laser welding of highly loaded transmission components by strategic use of simulation methods
Wagner, Markus; Günther, Fabian; Rao, Rishabh Rajesh; Stamm, Uwe; Dittrich, Dirk; Jahn, Axel
Journal Article
2023 On the role of history-dependent adsorbate distribution and metastable states in switchable mesoporous metal-organic frameworks
Walenszus, Francesco; Bon, Volodymyr V.; Evans, Jack D.; Krause, Simon; Getzschmann, Jürgen; Kaskel, Stefan; Dvoyashkin, Muslim
Journal Article
2023 Vorrichtung zur Messung von Potentialen und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer solchen Vorrichtung
Weihnacht, Volker; Svetlana Vitusevich; Nazarii Boichuk
2023 Fabrication of an athermal mirror from a hyper-eutectic AlSi alloy via LPBF
Wilsnack, Christoph; Moritz, Juliane; Reutlinger, Arnd; Eberle, Sebastian; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Conference Paper
2023 Evaluation of failure modes on AM-processes
Wilsnack, Christoph; Leopold, Anne-Katrin; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph
Conference Paper
2023 Laserakustische Oberflächenwellen-Spektroskopie für die zerstörungsfreie Qualitätssicherung und Materialentwicklung
Zawischa, Martin; Makowski, Stefan; Schneider, Dieter
Journal Article
2023 Structural changes of doped ta-C coatings at elevated temperature
Zawischa, Martin; Makowski, Stefan; Krülle, Tim; Weihnacht, Volker
Journal Article
2023 Influence of a Pronounced Pre-Deformation on the Attachment of Melt Droplets and the Fatigue Behavior of Laser-Cut AISI 304
Zeuner, André Till; Wanski, Thomas; Schettler, Sebastian; Fell, Jonas; Wetzig, Andreas; Kühne, Robert; Fischer, Sarah; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2023 General Design Concepts for CAPodes as Ionologic Devices
Zhou, Hanfeng; Li, Panlong; Zhang, En; Kunigkeit, Jonas; Zhou, Xiongjun; Haase, Katherina; Ortega Vega, Maria Rita; Wang, Shuwen; Xu, Xiaosa; Grothe, Julia; Mannsfeld, Stefan C.B.; Brunner, Eike; Kaneko, Katsumi; Kaskel, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 On the Corrosion Properties of Aluminum 2024 Laser‐Textured Surfaces with Superhydrophilic and Superhydrophobic Wettability States
Zschach, Lis Geraldine; Baumann, Robert; Soldera, Flavio; Mendez, Claudia Marcela; Apelt, Sabine; Bergmann, Ute; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián
Journal Article
2023 Targeting new ways for large-scale, high-speed surface functionalization using direct laser interference patterning in a roll-to-roll process
Zwahr, Christoph; Serey, Nicolas; Nitschke, Lukas; Bischoff, Christian; Rädel, Ulrich; Meyer, Alexandra; Zhu, Penghui; Pfleging, Wilhelm
Journal Article
2023 Mehr Effizienz beim Laserauftragschweißen
2023 Modular optimierte Produktionsprozesse
Journal Article
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