Fraunhofer IWS
Hier finden Sie aktuelle Publikationen des Fraunhofer IWS aus dem Jahr 2023.
Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2023 | Influence of Feedstock and Thermal Spray Process on the Phase Composition of Alumina Coatings and their Sliding Wear Ali, O.; Ahmed, Rehan R.; Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Berger, Lutz-Michael; Matthey, Björn; Faisal, Nadimul; Ahmed, Khalid F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of HCP/BCC interface orientation on the tribological behavior of Zr/Nb multilayer during nanoscratch: A combined experimental and atomistic study AlMotasem, Ahmed Tamer; Daghbouj, Nabil; Sen, Hüseyin Sener; Mirzaei, Saeed; Callisti, Mauro; Polcar, Tomas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Multi-Scale Analysis of Lithium-Sulfur Pouch Cells Using Imaging Methods Arlt, Tobias; Schmidt, Florian; Ziesche, Ralf; Selve, Sören; Boenke, Tom; Abendroth, Thomas; Lu, Yan; Dörfler, Susanne; Risse, Sebastian; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan; Manke, Ingo |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Unravelling the Water Adsorption Mechanism in Hierarchical MOFs: Insights from In Situ Positron Annihilation Lifetime Studies Attallah, Ahmed G.; Bon, Volodymyr; Maity, Kartik; Hirschmann, Eric; Butterling, Maik; Wagner, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of the Dross Formation of the Laser-Cut Edge on the Fatigue Strength of AISI 304 Bach, Julia; Zeuner, André; Wanski, Thomas; Fischer, Sarah; Herwig, Patrick; Zimmermann, Martina |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Spectrally resolved temporal coherence of spectrally narrowband filtered high-power supercontinuum light source versus an appropriately treated laser-driven plasma light source Baselt, Tobias; Taudt, Christopher; Ruf, Daniel; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Development and characterization of a two-photon fluorescence microscope for collagen tissue based on a nanosecond laser Baselt, Tobias; Scheller, Robert; Fleck, Burkhard; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Direct laser interference patterning of cemented cutting tools Baumann, Robert; Bouraoui, Yasmine; Teicher, Uwe; Selbmann, Erik; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Tailored Laser Structuring of Tungsten Carbide Cutting Tools for Improving their Tribological Performance in Turning Aluminum Alloy Al6061 T6 Baumann, Robert; Bouraoui, Yasmine; Teicher, Uwe; Selbmann, Erik; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Improvement of cutting tools using laser-induced periodic surface structures for machining Aluminium alloy Al 6061 T6 Baumann, Robert; Bouraoui, Yasmine; Teicher, Uwe; Selbmann, Erik; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | NewATHENA optics technology Bavdaz, Marcos; Wille, Eric; Ayre, Mark; Ferreira, Ivo; Shortt, Brian; Fransen, Sebastian; Collon, Maximilien; Vacanti, Giuseppe; Barrière, Nicolas; Landgraf, Boris; Girou, David Alain; Riekerink, Mark Olde; Haneveld, Jeroen; Start, Ronald; Schurink, Bart; Baren, Coen van; Della Monica Ferreira, Desiree; Massahi, Sonny; Svendsen, Sara; Christensen, Finn Erland; Krumrey, Michael; Skroblin, Dieter; Burwitz, Vadim; Pareschi, Giovanni; Salmaso, Bianca; Moretti, Alberto; Spiga, Daniele; Basso, Stefano Maria Massimiliano; Valsecchi, Giuseppe; Vernani, Dervis; Lupton, Paul; Mundon, William; Dunnell, Ethan; Riede, Mirko; Korhonen, Tapio; Pasanen, Mikko; Sanchez Becerra, Alejandro; Heinis, Dominique; Colldelram, Carles; Tordi, Massimiliano; Niewrzella, Norman; Willingale, Richard |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Centriselect - A novel approach for centrifugal cell separation Behrens, Stephan; Hähne, Philipp; Schmieder, Peter; Schmieder, Florian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Raman spectroscopy and hyper-spectral imaging for quality control of CIGS solar cells Biasio, Martin de; Zikulnig, Johanna; Muehleisen, Wolfgang; Gevaerts, Veronique; Simor, Marcel; Gruber, Florian; Wollmann, Philipp; Grählert, Wulf; Arnold, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | The role of polysulfide-saturation in electrolytes for high power applications of real world Li-S pouch cells Boenke, Tom; Kirchhoff, Sebastian; Reuter, Florian Steffen; Schmidt, Florian; Weller, Christine; Dörfler, Susanne; Schwedtmann, Kai; Härtel, Paul; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Weigand, Jan J.; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | High Performance of Liquid-Gated Silicon Nanowire FETs Covered with Ultrathin Layers of Diamond-Like Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Boichuk, Nazarii; Kutovyi, Yurii; Pustovyi, Denys; Zhang, Yongqiang; Weihnacht, Volker; Vitusevich, Svetlana |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Laser fusion cutting: The missing link between gas dynamics and cut edge topography Borkmann, Madlen; Mahrle, Achim; Wetzig, Andreas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | PMMA Optical Diffusers with Hierarchical Surface Structures Imprinted by Hot Embossing of Laser-Textured Stainless Steel Bouchard, Felix; Soldera, Marcos; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Spreading Behavior of Oil on Hierarchical Microstructured PET Surfaces Fabricated Using Hot‐Embossing Combined with Laser‐Based Methods Bouchard, Felix; Soldera, Marcos; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Digitalisierung in der Werkstoffprüfung Bretschneider, Jörg; Zösch, Antje; Ott, Gritt; Hausmann, Solveig; Gonsior, Julius; Hauer, Florian; Naumann, Uwe; Scherbaum, Roman; Zimmermann, Martina |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2023 | Special issue of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2023 Brückner, Frank; Bremen, Sebastian; Müller, Bernhard |
Editorial |
2023 | Flow rate improvements in additively manufactured flow channels suitable for rocket engine application Buchholz, Maximilian; Gruber, Samira; Selbmann, Alex; Marquardt, Axel; Meier, Lucas; Müller, Michael; Seifert, Lukas; Leyens, Christoph; Tajmar, Martin; Bach, Christian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Impact of Printing Parameters on Green Density Homogeneity in Lithography-based Metal Manufacturing Burkhardt, Carlo; Vogel, Lucas; Zimmermann, Martina; Khan, Ali Qaiser |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Enhanced process understanding for laser welding of copper and aluminum alloys with dynamic beam oscillation Börner, Stephan; Dittrich, Dirk; Barrios Larranaga, Joseph; Wetzig, Andreas; Sawannia, Michael; Reinheimer, Eveline N.; Heider, Andreas; Ramsayer, Reiner |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Understanding Substrate Mechanics and Chemo‐Mechanical Behavior of Columnar Silicon Films to Enable Deformation Free Anodes for High‐Energy Li‐Ion Batteries Cangaz, Sahin; Lohrberg, Oliver; Abendroth, Thomas; Heubner, Christian; Schmidt, Florian; Althues, Holger; Dörfler, Susanne; Michaelis, Alexander; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Tensile Properties of Inconel 718 Produced by LMD-Wire Cormier, Jonathan; Cabeza, Sandra; Burlot, Guillaume; Bordas, R.; Bordas-Czaplicki, M.; Machado Alves da Fonseca, F.; Polenz, Stefan; Marquardt, Franz; Lopez, Elena; Villechaise, Patrick |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Auslegung und Erprobung einer induktiven Erwärmungsvorrichtung zum Ausschmelzen von Großsprengmitteln verschiedenster Durchmesser und Wandstärken Dam van, Philipp Duc |
Diplomarbeit Diploma Thesis |
2023 | A Novel PowderMEMS Technique for Fabrication of Low‐Cost High‐Power‐Factor Thermoelectric Films and Micro‐Patterns Deng, Kangfa; Zhang, Qihao; Fu, Yangxi; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Reith, Heiko; Nielsch, Kornelius |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Effect of pH on wettability properties on aluminium alloy surfaces treated with direct laser writing Dib Hasan, Josefina; Zschach, Lis Geraldine; Baumann, Robert; Spitz, Franziska; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Challenges of aortic valve tissue culture - maintenance of viability and extracellular matrix in the pulsatile dynamic microphysiological system Dittfeld, Claudia; Winkelkotte, Maximilian; Scheer, Anna; Voigt, Emmely; Schmieder, Florian; Behrens, Stephan; Jannasch, Anett; Matschke, Klaus; Sonntag, Frank; Tugtekin, Sems-Malte |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Towards in-line real-time characterization of roll-to-roll produced ZTO/Ag/ITO thin films by hyperspectral imaging Dogan-Surmeier, Susanne; Gruber, Florian; Maurer, Christian; Bieder, Steffen; Schlenz, Patrick; Paulus, Michael; Albers, Christian; Schneider, Eric; Thiering, Nicola; Tolan, Metin; Wollmann, Philipp; Cornelius, Steffen; Sternemann, Christian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Investigation of the pre-stretch-dependent stability and force output of carbon-fiber-reinforced dielectric elastomer actuators Endesfelder, Anett; Koenigsdorff, Markus; Mersch, Johannes; Ullmann, Moritz; Zimmermann, Martina; Gerlach, Gerald |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Approach to transferring force-based fatigue curves into stress-related fatigue curves for clinch joints Ewenz, Lars; Kuczyk, Martin; Zimmermann, Martina |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Laser-assisted reduction of iron ore using aluminum powder Fedina, Tatiana; Brueckner, Frank; Kaplan, Alexander F.H.; Wilsnack, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Getriebeelements mit einer als Gleitlager fungierenden Oberfläche Fernandes Barbosa, Maria Manuel; Hillig, Holger; Nowotny, Steffen; Bischoff, René; Hosemann, Jörg |
Patent |
2023 | Status of the demonstration of the critical technologies of the ATHENA telescope Ferreira, Ivo; Bavdaz, Marcos; Ayre, Mark; Wille, Eric; Brian Shortt; Fransen, Sebastiaan; Collon, Maximilien; Vacanti, Giuseppe; Barrière, Nicolas; Landgraf, Boris; Riekerink, Mark Olde; Haneveld, Jeroen; Start, Ronald; Baren, Coen van; Della Monica Ferreira, Desiree; Massahi, Sonny; Svendsen, Sara; Christensen, Finn; Krumrey, Michael; Skroblin, Dieter; Burwitz, Vadim; Pareschi, Giovanni; Tagliaferri, Gianpiero; Salmaso, Bianca; Basso, Stefano Maria Massimiliano; Moretti, Alberto; Spiga, Daniele; Valsecchi, Giuseppe; Vernani, Dervis; Lupton, Paul; Mundon, William; Gavin Phillips; Schneider, Jakob; Korhonen, Tapio; Sanchez Becerra, Alejandro; Heinis, Dominique; Colldelram, Carles; Tordi, Massimiliano; Willingale, Richard |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Mechanistic Insights into the Cycling Behavior of Sulfur Dry‐Film Cathodes Fiedler, Magdalena; Cangaz, Sahin; Hippauf, Felix; Dörfler, Susanne; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | ENAMEL Franke, Volker; Gruber, Florian; Zywitzki, Olaf; Fuchs, Theobald |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2023 | Increase in residual lifetime due to low amplitude cycles and dwell times at room temperature: Observations and suspected mechanisms Geilen, Max Benedikt; Klein, Marcus; Kolyshkin, Anton; Kühne, Robert; Oechsner, Matthias |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Alloy Design of Feedstock Material for Additive Manufacturing - Exploring the Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Ti Compositionally Complex Alloys Gerdt, Leonid; Müller, Michelle; Heidowitzsch, Maximilian; Kaspar, Jörg; Lopez, Elena; Zimmermann, Martina; Leyens, Christoph; Hilhorst, Antoine; Jacques, Pascal |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Fine-tuning effect of Direct Laser Interference Patterning on the surface states and the corrosion behavior of a biomedical additively manufactured beta Ti alloy Goldberg, Phil; Hariharan, Avinash; Schell, Frederic; Hantusch, Martin; Cichocka, Magdalena Ola; Perez, Nicolas; Voß, Andrea; Giebeler, Lars; Hoffmann, Volker; Zwahr, Christoph; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Gebert, Annett |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Acoustically induced vocal training for individuals with impaired hearing Graf, Simone; Bungenstock, Anna; Richter, Lena; Unterhofer, Carmen; Gruner, Michael; Hartmann, Peter; Hoyer, Patrick |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Process development for laser powder bed fusion of GRCop-42 using a 515 nm laser source Gruber, Samira; Stepien, Lukas; Gerdt, Leonid; Lopez, Elena; Kieser, Jan Aleksander; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph; Bratt, Craig |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Ermitteln einer Durchlässigkeit einer Probe Grählert, Wulf; Gruber, Florian; Holfeld, Wilhelm |
Patent |
2023 | Experimental and numerical characterization of imperfect additively manufactured lattices based on triply periodic minimal surfaces Günther, Fabian; Pilz, Stefan; Hirsch, Franz; Wagner, Markus; Kästner, Markus; Gebert, Annett; Zimmermann, Martina |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Shape optimization of additively manufactured lattices based on triply periodic minimal surfaces Günther, Fabian; Pilz, Stefan; Hirsch, Franz Wolfgang; Wagner, Markus; Kästner, Markus; Gebert, Annett; Zimmermann, Martina |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Process-structure-property relationships of additively manufactured lattice structures based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) Günther, Fabian; Wagner, Markus; Pilz, S.; Gebert, Annett; Zimmermann, Martina |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Covalent Organic Frameworks as Model Materials for Fundamental and Mechanistic Understanding of Organic Battery Design Principles Haldar, Sattwick; Schneemann, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan |
Review |
2023 | Sulfide-Bridged Covalent Quinoxaline Frameworks for Lithium‐Organosulfide Batteries Haldar, Sattwick; Bhauriyal, Preeti; Ramuglia, Anthony R.; Khan, Arafat H.; Kock, Sunel de; Hazra, Arpan; Bon, Volodymyr; Pastoetter, Dominik L.; Kirchhoff, Sebastian; Shupletsov, Leonid; De, Ankita; Isaacs, Mark A.; Feng, Xinliang; Walter, Michael; Brunner, Eike; Weidinger, Inez; Heine, Thomas; Schneemann, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Covalent Trapping of Cyclic-Polysulfides in Perfluorinated Vinylene-Linked Frameworks for Designing Lithium-Organosulfide Batteries Haldar, Sattwick; Wäntig, Albrecht; Ramuglia, Anthony; Bhauriyal, Preeti; Khan, Arafat; Pastoetter, Dominik; Isaacs, Mark; De, Ankita; Brunner, Eike; Wang, Mingchao; Weidinger, Inez; Feng, Xinliang; Heine, Thomas; Schneemann, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Process Parameter Development and Optimization of AlSi10Mg Alloy using Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) in a Large Inert Chamber Haldurai, Gunasekar |
Master Thesis |
2023 | Optoelectronic performance of indium tin oxide thin films structured by sub-picosecond direct laser interference patterning Heffner, Herman; Soldera, Marcos; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Surface Modification of Fluorine‐Doped Tin Oxide Thin Films Using Femtosecond Direct Laser Interference Patterning: A Study of the Optoelectronic Performance Heffner, Herman; Soldera, Marcos; Ränke, Fabian; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Enhanced light-trapping capabilities of FTO and ITO Thin Films using Direct Laser Interference Patterning (DLIP) for Photovoltaic Applications Heffner, Herman; Brunner, Julius; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Vaynzof, Yana |
Meeting Abstract |
2023 | Grain size manipulation by wire laser direct energy deposition of 316L with ultrasonic assistance Heidowitzsch, Maximilian; Gerdt, Leonid; Samuel, Conrad; Maetje, Jacob-Florian; Kaspar, Joerg; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Numerical simulation of periodic surface structures created by direct laser interference patterning Heinrich, Martin; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Schwarze, Rüdiger |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of the deposition process and substrate on microstructure, phase composition, and residual stress state on as-deposited Cr-Al-C coatings Heinze, Stefan; Krülle, Tim; Ewenz, Lars; Krywka, Christina A.; Davydok, Anton; Stark, Andreas; Cremer, Rainer; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of the deposition process on the Cr2AlC phase formation during heat treatment of Cr-Al-C thin films Heinze, Stefan; Stark, Andreas; Hendl, Julius; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Electron beam powder bed fusion manufacturing of a Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr alloy: A microstructure and mechanical properties’ correlation study Hendl, Julius; Marquardt, Axel; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Multi-Scale Structuring of CoCrMo and AZ91D Magnesium Alloys Using Direct Laser Interference Patterning Henriques, Bruno; Fabris, Douglas; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Multi-scale textured PEEK surfaces obtained by direct laser interference patterning using IR ultra-short pulses Henriques, Bruno; Fabris, Douglas; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Fabrication of functional zirconia surfaces using a two‐beam interference setup employing a picosecond laser system with 532‐nm wavelength: Morphology, microstructure, and wettability Henriques, Bruno; Fabris, Douglas; Voisiat, Bogdan; Boccaccini, Aldo; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Field Emission Properties of Highly Conductive Diamond-Like Carbon Layers Hentsch, Georg; Martin, Tajmar; Weihnacht, Volker |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Design for TRL - Technologiereifes Design entlang von Entwicklungsprozessen der angewandten Forschung Hermeling, Christian; Theling, Thomas; Forytta, Markus; Krzywinski, Jens |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Neue Elektrolyt- und Anoden-Konzepte für die Lithium-Schwefel-Batterie Hoffmann, Florian |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2023 | An Ether‐Based Low Density Electrolyte for the Use of Graphite Anodes in Stable Lithium‐Sulfur Batteries Hoffmann, Florian; Schmidt, Florian; Müller, Jannes; Schönherr, Kay; Dörfler, Susanne; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Kwade, Arno; Wu, Nae-Lih; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Innovative welding conception for thin-walled sheet metal components Jahn, Axel; Keßler, Benjamin; Berger, Andrea; Seifert, Marko; Roch, Teja |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | AI-based analysis of extremely low-resolved spectrogram fingerprints for the calculation of surface profiles in low-coherence interferometry Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Taudt, Christopher; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Optical pulse generation in nanosecond range with conventional high-power LED modules for metrology and calibration purposes Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Elena; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Evaluation of Grain Growth Using Master Sintering Curve and Dilatometry Data for Binder Jetted Parts Kancharla, Deekshitha; Greifzu, Moritz; Marquardt, Axel; Eckardt, Joanna |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Laser induced reduction of iron ore by silicon Kaplan, Alexander; Fedina, Tatiana; Brückner, Frank; Powell, John |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Laser-induced reduction of iron ore: Trends of the chemical distribution across the domains Kaplan, Alexander F. H.; Fedina, Tatiana; Brückner, Frank; Naesstroem, Himani |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Combinatorial Alloy Design and Microstructure Evolution in Laser-cladded Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Ti Compositionally Complex Alloys Kaspar, Joerg; Hilhorst, Antoine; Gerdt, Leonid; Müller, Michael; Heidowitzsch, Maximilian; Kuczyk, Martin; Bettanini, Alvise Miotti; Jacques, Pierre; Zimmermann, Martina; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Artificial Interphase Design Employing Inorganic-Organic Components for High-Energy Lithium-Metal Batteries Kim, Yong-il; Stepien, Dominik; Moon, Hyein; Schönherr, Kay; Schumm, Benjamin; Kuenzel, Matthias; Althues, Holger; Bresser, Dominic; Passerini, Stefano |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Evaluation of Glyoxal-Based Electrolytes for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Kirchhoff, Sebastian; Leibing, Christian; Härtel, Paul; Abendroth, Thomas; Dörfler, Susanne; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan; Balducci, Andrea |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Statistical learning method for modal analysis of optical fibers Kläber, Leander; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Schuschies, Antje; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Roboterkinematik für die hyperspektrale Bildgebung Knieß, Robert |
Diplomarbeit Diploma Thesis |
2023 | Hydrogen Bubble Size Distribution on Nanostructured Ni Surfaces: Electrochemically Active Surface Area Versus Wettability Krause, Lukas; Skibińska, Katarzyna; Rox, Hannes; Baumann, Robert; Marzec, Mateusz; Yang, Xuegeng; Mutschke, Gerd; Żabiński, Piotr; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Eckert, Kerstin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Thin and Homogenous Surface Functionalization of Lithium Metal Anodes by Defined Molecular Treatment Krauskopf, Bastian; Otto, Svenja-Katharina; Moryson, Yannik; Hoffmann, Florian; Sann, Joachim; Janek, Jürgen |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | In situ mechanical testing of hard yet tough high entropy nitride coatings deposited on compliant steel substrates Kuczyk, Martin; Zawischa, Martin; Krülle, Tim; Vollhüter, Jan; Zeiler, Stefan; Leonhardt, Michael; Kaspar, Jörg; Zimmer, Otmar; Göken, Mathias; Leyens, Christoph; Zimmermann, Martina |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Ultrarapid Industrial Large-Area Processing Using Laser Interference Patterning Methods Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Mulko, Lucinda; Soldera, Marcos |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2023 | The role of impurities in porous carbons for bioinspired iontronic devices Li, Panlong; Unglaube, Niklas; Zhou, Hanfeng; Dong, Xiaoli; Xia, Yongyao; Xu, Xiaosa; Birnbaum, Anja; Grothe, Julia; Michel, Stefan; Auernhammer, Günter K.; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Understanding the Impact of Active-to-Passive Area Ratio on Deformation in One-Dimensional Dielectric Elastomer Actuators with Uniaxial Strain State Liebscher, Hans; Koenigsdorff, Markus; Endesfelder, Anett; Mersch, Johannes; Zimmermann, Martina; Gerlach, Gerald |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of the active-to-passive area ratio on the electrically induced strain of a fiber-reinforced dielectric elastomer actuator Liebscher, Hans; Endesfelder, Anett; Koenigsdorff, Markus; Mersch, Johannes; Zimmermann, Martina; Gerlach, Gerald |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Laser mediated fusing of paper materials Lull, Florian; Zahel, Martin; Panzner, Michael; Schilling, Tom |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Fracture toughness of AlSi10Mg alloy produced by direct energy deposition with different crack plane orientations Lupi, Giorgia; Menezes, João Teixeira Oliveira De; Belelli, Filippo; Bruzzo, Francesco; Lopez, Elena; Volpp, Jörg; Castrodeza, Enrique Mariano; Casati, Riccardo |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Properties of Alsi10mg Alloy Produced by Direct Energy Deposition with Different Crack Plane Orientations Lupi, Giorgia; de Menezes, Joao Teixeira Oliveira; Belelli, Filippo; Bruzzo, Francesco; Volpp, Joerg; Castrodeza, Enrique Mariano; Casati, Riccardo |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | A Semi-Empirical Model of Cathodic Arc Spot Motion under the Influence of External Magnetic Fields Mahrle, Achim; Zimmer, Otmar; Schenk, Steffen; Borkmann, Madlen; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Investigations on dross formation susceptibility in laser fusion cutting of different stainless steel compositions with emphasis on minor element effects Mahrle, Achim; Wanski, Thomas; Zeuner, André Till; Herwig, Patrick; Zimmermann, Martina |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Numerical study of a plasma jet for plasma-assisted laser cutting Manzke, Sebastian; Krümmer, Moritz; Urlau, Franz; Mahrle, Achim; Füssel, Uwe; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Additive Manufacturing of Side-Coupled Cavity Linac Structures from Pure Copper: A First Concept Mayerhofer, Michael; Brenner, Stefan; Helm, Ricardo; Gruber, Samira; Lopez, Elena; Stepien, Lukas; Gold, Gerald; Dollinger, Günther |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Special Issue Featuring Papers from the International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2022 Mcdonald, André J.; Bakan, Emine; Cizek, Jan; Houdková, Šárka; Koivuluoto, Heli; Lau, Yuk-Chiu; Li, Hua; Toma, Filofteia-Laura |
Editorial |
2023 | Development of Suspension Feedstocks for Thermally Sprayed Zn2TiO4 Coatings Meyer, Anja; Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Kunze, Oliver; Böhme, Andreas; Matthey, Björn; Potthoff, Annegret; Kaiser, Arno; Gestrich, Tim; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Positive Effect of Periodic Micropatterns on Compression Ring Friction Michelberger, Björn; Schell, Frederic; Jaitner, Dirk; Götze, Andreas; Leupolt, Beate; Wetzel, Franz-Josef; Leson, Andreas; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Spatiotemporal Design of the Metal-Organic Framework DUT-8(M) Miura, Hiroki; Bon, Volodymyr; Senkovska, Irena; Ehrling, Sebastian; Bönisch, Nadine; Mäder, Gerrit; Grünzner, Stefan; Khadiev, Azat; Novikov, Dmitri; Maity, Kartik; Richter, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Process Parameters at Constant Volumetric Energy Density on Surface Topography and Microstructural Homogeneity of a Titanium Aluminide Alloy Moritz, Juliane; Teschke, Mirko; Marquardt, Axel; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Walther, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of Two-Step Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a β-Solidifying Titanium Aluminide Alloy Fabricated via Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Moritz, Juliane; Teschke, Mirko; Marquardt, Axel; Heinze, Stefan; Heckert, Mirko; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Walther, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Locally Adapted Microstructures in an Additively Manufactured Titanium Aluminide Alloy Through Process Parameter Variation and Heat Treatment Moritz, Juliane; Teschke, Mirko; Marquardt, Axel; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Walther, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | On the design and development of foamed GO-hydrogel nanocomposite surfaces by ultra-short laser processing Mulko, Lucinda; Cuello, Emma; Baumann, Robert; Ramuglia, Anthony; Weidinger, Inez; Acevedo, Diego; Barbero, Cesar; Molina, Maria; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Intelligente Prozesseinrichtung anhand emittierter akustischer Oberflächenwellen für die direkte Laserinterferenzstrukturierung Muntschick, Clarita |
Diplomarbeit Diploma Thesis |
2023 | Multimaterial direct energy deposition: From three-dimensionally graded components to rapid alloy development for advanced materials Müller, Michael; Labisch, Carl-Christoph; Gerdt, Leonid; Bach, Hoang Linh; Riede, Mirko; Kaspar, Joerg; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Zimmermann, Martina; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica
This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica
Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2023 | Influence of process parameter variation on the microstructure of thin walls made of Inconel 718 deposited via laser-based directed energy deposition with blown powder Müller, Michael; Franz, Kevin; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Hybrid approaches for reducing defects in laser-based direct energy deposition of nickel-based superalloys Müller, Michael; Poetke, Stephanie; Heckert, M.; Riede, Mirko; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Analyse des Schaltverhaltens elektrochromer Verglasungen mit PDLC-Technologie in Abhängigkeit des Einflusses elektrischer Parameter und Temperatur der Bauteile Müller, Michelle |
Diplomarbeit Diploma Thesis |
2023 | Unveiling the Inner Workings of Lithium-Sulfur Pouch Cells: A Multimodal Operando Analysis Approach Müller, Rafael; Risse, Sebastian; Hilger, Andre; Kardjilov, Nikolay; Boenke, Tom |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Microphysiological Conditions Do Not Affect MDR1-Mediated Transport of Rhodamine 123 above an Artificial Proximal Tubule Namazian Jam, Negin; Gottlöber, Felix; Hempel, Melanie; Dzekhtsiarova, Yuliya; Behrens, Stephan; Sonntag, Frank; Sradnick, Jan; Hugo, Christian; Schmieder, Florian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Investigation of Ablation Efficiency of Stainless Steel Using Pulsed Lasers in Burst Mode Obergfell, Dirk; Azarhoushang, Bahman; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Detection of anti-SARS CoV-2 antibodies in human serum by means of Bloch surface waves on 1D photonic crystal biochips Occhicone, Agostino; Sinibaldi, Alberto; Chiappetta, Daniele; Matteo, Paola di; Pileri, Tommaso; Danz, Norbert; Sonntag, Frank; Munzert, Peter; Allegretti, Matteo; Pascale, Valentina de; Mandoj, Chiara; Michelotti, Francesco |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Online process monitoring of direct laser interference patterning using an infrared camera system Olawsky, Lukas; Moghtaderifard, Stephan; Kuhn, Clemens; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Monitoring Direct Laser Interference Patterning of metallic substrates using an infrared camera system Olawsky, Lukas; Moghtaderifard, Stephan; Kuhn, Clemens; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Comparison of different multi-laser powder bed fusion exposure strategies and their influence on the part quality of IN718 Pfalz, Tino; Rota, Astrid; Saeidnezhad, Nazila; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of isothermal omega precipitation aging on deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of a β-type Ti-Nb alloy Pilz, Stefan; Hariharan, Avinash; Günther, Fabian; Zimmermann, Martina; Gebert, Annett |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Partially Lithiated Microscale Silicon Particles as Anode Material for High‐Energy Solid‐State Lithium‐Ion Batteries Poetke, Stephanie; Cangaz, Sahin; Hippauf, Felix; Haufe, Stefan; Dörfler, Susanne; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Advanced laser in-situ joining for continuous co-consolidation of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic laminates Pohl, Eric; Langer, Maurice; Rauscher, Peter; Bleil, Niklas; Jahn, Axel; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Use of the Laser Fragmentation Method in the Extraction of LFCM from the Shelter Proskurin, Oleksandr; Saveliev, Maxym; Molitor, Norbert; Wetzig, Andreas; Herwig, Patrick; Hauptmann, Jan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Printed Athermal Mirror (PAM) based on AlSi40 and NiP coating for space application Reutlinger, Arnd; Eberle, Sebastian; Wilsnack, Christoph; Moritz, Juliane; Stute, Andreas; Lucarelli, Stefano; Brandão, Ana; Danielsson, Joel |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Hybrid laser metal deposition of a Fe-Cr-Mo-V-Mn tool steel for hot stamping applications Romano, Tobia; Abdelwahed, Marawan; Bengtsson, Sven; Bruzzo, Francesco; Casati, Riccardo; Gedda, Hans; Lopez, Elena; Ulfberg, Petter; Wilsnack, Christoph; Vedani, Maurizio |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Damage characterisation of tantalum ion source electrodes and reconditioning by wire- and powder-based laser metal deposition Romano, Tobia; Kroģere, Dagnija; Ratkus, Andris; Lauer, Hannes; Marquardt, Franz; Vedani, Maurizio; Obradors, Diego; Weinmann, Markus; Torims, Toms |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Wear Mechanism of Superhard Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon (ta‐C) Coatings for Biomedical Applications Rothammer, Benedict; Schwendner, Michael; Bartz, Marcel; Wartzack, Sandro; Böhm, Thomas; Krauß, Sebastian; Merle, Benoit; Schröder, Stefan; Uhler, Maximilian; Kretzer, Jan Philippe; Weihnacht, Volker; Marian, Max |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Investigation to evaluate the aging condition utilizing UV radiation of carbon black filled rubber compounds as measured by ATR spectroscopy Rudek, Florian; Weichenhain, Linda; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Differentiation of biological tissue based on angle-resolved scattering distribution using fiber-coupled single-mode light source with spectrally controllable emission characteristics Ruf, Daniel; Baselt, Tobias; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Historical Paper Documents Rögner, Frank-Holm; Schottner, Gerhard; Grählert, Wulf; Gruber, Florian; Fuchs, Theobald; Hügle, Johannes |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2023 | Increasing Heat Transfer from Metal Surfaces through Laser-Interference-Induced Microscopic Heat Sinks Schell, Frederic; Okafor, Richard Chukwudi; Steege, Tobias; Alamri, Sabri; Ghevariya, Savan; Zwahr, Christoph; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Laser interference-treatment tunes surface states and corrosion behavior of additively manufactured near-beta Ti alloy Schell, Frederic; Goldberg, Phil; Hariharan, Avinash; Hantusch, Martin; Cichocka, Magdalena Ola; Perez, Nicolas; Voß, Andrea; Giebeler, Lars; Hoffmann, Volker; Zwahr, Christoph; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián; Gebert, Annett |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Impact of the Carbon Matrix Composition on the S/C Cathode Porosity and Performance in Prototype Li-S Cells Schmidt, Florian; Fiedler, Magdalena; Arlt, Tobias; De, Ankita; Hoffmann, Florian; Wilde, Fabian; Dörfler, Susanne; Schumm, Benjamin; Abendroth, Thomas; Althues, Holger; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Studies on micromanipulation capabilities of micro-objects and combined Raman spectroscopy based on photonic jet fiber optic Schmiedel, Karsten; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Baselt, Tobias; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Flow and pressure in ex vivo tissue culture. Focus on tissue microenvironment and prolonged tissue culture Schmieder, Florian; Behrens, Stephan; Bargmann, Tonia; Polk, Christoph; Sonntag, Frank |
Poster |
2023 | Micro physiological systems for ex vivo tissue culture. Focus on prolonged tissue viability and parallel online monitoring Schmieder, Florian; Behrens, Stephan; Philipp, Jürgen; Ullrich, M.; Sihver, W.; Sonntag, Frank |
Poster |
2023 | Additive manufacturing of a metallic optical bench-process development, material qualification and demonstration Schneider, Jakob; Norman, Andrew; Gumpinger, Johannes; Brückner, Frank; Bavdaz, Marcos; Leyens, Christoph; Ghidini, Tommaso |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Diffraction‐Based Strategy for Monitoring Topographical Features Fabricated by Direct Laser Interference Patterning Schröder, Nikolai; Fischer, Christoph; Soldera, Marcos; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Surface conditions after Laser Shock Peening of steel and aluminum alloys using ultrafast laser pulses Schubnell, Jan; Carl, Eva-Regine; Sarmast, Ardeshir; Hinterstein, Jan Manuel; Preußner, Johannes; Seifert, Marco; Kaufmann, Christoph; Russbueldt, Peter; Schulte, Jan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Vorrichtung zum selektiven Materialabtrag an Strukturelementen oder Schichten, die auf Oberflächen von Substraten ausgebildet sind Schulz, Stefan; Hartmann, Peter; Baselt, Tobias; Kannegießer, Torsten |
Patent |
2023 | Optimierte reaktive Bondtechnologie auf der Basis neuartiger Zirkonium-Systeme für den Einsatz in der Mikrosystemtechnik Schumacher, A.; Knappmann, S.; Meyer, P.; Dietrich, G.; Böttcher, Julius; Pflug, Erik; Grün, A.; Käpplinger, I.; Dehé, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Reactive bonding of an integrated CMOS strain sensor to steel by using hard and soft solders Schumacher, Axel; Meyer, Peter; Buschbeck, Georg; Pflug, Erik; Böttcher, Julius; Knappmann, Stephan; Hehn, Thorsten; Dehé, Alfons |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Dry battery electrode processing, what's next? Schumm, Benjamin; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Pre-processing dermatological image data to significantly improve the performance of cyclic GAN models Schuschies, Antje; Kläber, Leander; Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Alexander; Hartmann, Peter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Tailored Pre-Lithiation Using Melt-Deposited Lithium Thin Films Schönherr, Kay; Pöthe, Markus; Schumm, Benjamin; Althues, Holger; Leyens, Christoph; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Optical and fractal properties of sputter deposited TiO2 films Shakoury, Reza; Nahvifard, Elahe; Arman, Ali; Astinchap, B.; Jurečka, Stanislav; Mardani, Majid; Amreaa-Red, Ghasem; Mirzaei, Saeed |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Mechanically robust hydrophobic fluorine-doped diamond-like carbon film on glass substrate Sharifahmadian, Omid; Pakseresht, Amir Hossein; Mirzaei, Saeed; Eliáš, Marek; Galusek, Dušan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Compact Optical System Based on Scatterometry for Off-Line and Real-Time Monitoring of Surface Micropatterning Processes Soldera, Marcos; Weiss-Teutoburg, Sascha; Schröder, Nikolai; Voisiat, Bogdan; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Enhancing Sample Efficiency for Temperature Control in DED with Reinforcement Learning and MOOSE Framework Sousa, Joao; Darabi, Roya; Sousa, Armando; Reis, Luís; Brückner, Frank; Reis, Ana Isabel; Sá, José César de |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Prediction of Surface Roughness in Functional Laser Surface Texturing Utilizing Machine Learning Steege, Tobias; Bernard, Gaëtan; Darm, Paul; Kunze, Tim; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Effect of Process Pressure on Carbon-Based Thin Films Deposited by Cathodic Arc on Stainless Steel for Bipolar Plates Steinhorst, Maximilian; Giorgio, Maurizio; Roch, Teja; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Modelling and corrosion of coated stainless steel substrates for bipolar plates at different temperatures Steinhorst, Maximilian; Auinger, Michael; Roch, Teja; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Bias Voltage Dependency of Structural and Bipolar Plate-Related Properties of Cathodic Arc-Deposited Carbon-Based Coatings Steinhorst, Maximilian; Giorgio, Maurizio; Roch, Teja; Leyens, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Latest developments in coaxial multiwire high-power laser cladding Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Hillig, Holger; Kaubisch, Marc; Shakhverdova, Irina; Seifert, Marko; Brückner, Frank |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Microstructural Characterization and Oscillating Sliding Wear Investigations of the Aqueous Suspension Sprayed HVOF WC-12Co Coatings Toma, Filofteia-Laura; Meyer, Anja; Kunze, Oliver; Shakhverdova, Irina; Matthey, Björn; Härtwig, Fabian; Mayer, Markus; Potthoff, Annegret; Pötschke, Johannes; Makowski, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Evaluation of geometrical precision and surface roughness quality for the additively manufactured radio frequency quadrupole prototype Torims, Toms; Cherif, A.; Delerue, Nicholas; Foppa Pedretti, M.; Gruber, Samira; Krogere, D.; Lopez, Elena; Otto, T.; Pikurs, Guntis; Pozzi, Matteo; Ratkus, A.; Thielmann, Michael; Vedani, Maurizio; Vretenar, M.; Wagenblast, Philipp C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Metamodellentwicklung zur Schweißparameterprognose auf Basis multivariater Schliffbilddaten von linienförmigen Schweißverbindungen Ullmann, Linda; Dittrich, Dirk; Wagner, Markus; Schwarz, Christian; Puschmann, Markus; Botsch, B.; Püschel, F. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | A New In Vitro Blood Flow Model for the Realistic Evaluation of Antimicrobial Surfaces Valtin, Juliane; Behrens, Stephan; Ruland, André; Schmieder, Florian; Sonntag, Frank; Renner, Lars; Maitz, Manfred; Werner, Carsten |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Laser surface processing enables lightweight and additive-free hybrid material structures with high bond strength Veliu, Aldo; Kuntze, Thomas; Franke, Volker; Lull, Florian |
Poster |
2023 | New possibilities for laser welding of highly loaded transmission components by strategic use of simulation methods Wagner, Markus; Günther, Fabian; Rao, Rishabh Rajesh; Stamm, Uwe; Dittrich, Dirk; Jahn, Axel |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | On the role of history-dependent adsorbate distribution and metastable states in switchable mesoporous metal-organic frameworks Walenszus, Francesco; Bon, Volodymyr V.; Evans, Jack D.; Krause, Simon; Getzschmann, Jürgen; Kaskel, Stefan; Dvoyashkin, Muslim |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Vorrichtung zur Messung von Potentialen und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer solchen Vorrichtung Weihnacht, Volker; Svetlana Vitusevich; Nazarii Boichuk |
Patent |
2023 | Fabrication of an athermal mirror from a hyper-eutectic AlSi alloy via LPBF Wilsnack, Christoph; Moritz, Juliane; Reutlinger, Arnd; Eberle, Sebastian; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Evaluation of failure modes on AM-processes Wilsnack, Christoph; Leopold, Anne-Katrin; Stepien, Lukas; Lopez, Elena; Brückner, Frank; Leyens, Christoph |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Laserakustische Oberflächenwellen-Spektroskopie für die zerstörungsfreie Qualitätssicherung und Materialentwicklung Zawischa, Martin; Makowski, Stefan; Schneider, Dieter |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Structural changes of doped ta-C coatings at elevated temperature Zawischa, Martin; Makowski, Stefan; Krülle, Tim; Weihnacht, Volker |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Influence of a Pronounced Pre-Deformation on the Attachment of Melt Droplets and the Fatigue Behavior of Laser-Cut AISI 304 Zeuner, André Till; Wanski, Thomas; Schettler, Sebastian; Fell, Jonas; Wetzig, Andreas; Kühne, Robert; Fischer, Sarah; Zimmermann, Martina |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | General Design Concepts for CAPodes as Ionologic Devices Zhou, Hanfeng; Li, Panlong; Zhang, En; Kunigkeit, Jonas; Zhou, Xiongjun; Haase, Katherina; Ortega Vega, Maria Rita; Wang, Shuwen; Xu, Xiaosa; Grothe, Julia; Mannsfeld, Stefan C.B.; Brunner, Eike; Kaneko, Katsumi; Kaskel, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | On the Corrosion Properties of Aluminum 2024 Laser‐Textured Surfaces with Superhydrophilic and Superhydrophobic Wettability States Zschach, Lis Geraldine; Baumann, Robert; Soldera, Flavio; Mendez, Claudia Marcela; Apelt, Sabine; Bergmann, Ute; Lasagni, Andrés-Fabián |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Targeting new ways for large-scale, high-speed surface functionalization using direct laser interference patterning in a roll-to-roll process Zwahr, Christoph; Serey, Nicolas; Nitschke, Lukas; Bischoff, Christian; Rädel, Ulrich; Meyer, Alexandra; Zhu, Penghui; Pfleging, Wilhelm |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Mehr Effizienz beim Laserauftragschweißen | Note |
2023 | Modular optimierte Produktionsprozesse | Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica
This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica