Facility for large area pulsed laser deposition procedures of nanometer multilayers

Facility for large area pulsed laser deposition procedures of nanometer multilayers

Schematic diagram of the target-substrate arrangement for large-area homogenous coating
- patented target-substrate moving pattern for the deposition of homogeneous layers on large surfaces
- UHV design to synthesize highly pure layers
- integration of a vacuum load lock for a quick sample exchange
- deposition of atomically smooth and precise nanometer single and multilayer systems (homogeneous or with targeted gradients of coating thickness)
- deposition of substrate smoothing layers
Technical data
- vacuum: p < 2·10-8 mbar
- substrate: Ø = 100 mm
- targets: 4 Stück, cylindrical
- run-to-run reproducibility of the film thickness: 99.8 %
- ablation laser: q-switched Nd:YAG with wavelength λ = 1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm and pulse length τ = 4 ... 10 ns