Newsletter IWSfokus

Dear reader, 

In our newsletter IWSfokus we provide you with information about latest research results and projects as well as trade show and event dates around Fraunhofer IWS. In a compact form, you will regularly receive an overview of selected topics related to laser, material and surface technology. If you would like to receive our newsletter by e-mail, you can easily subscribe to it using the registration form linked next to it.

We hope you enjoy reading.

The editorial office


Issue 1/2024

IWSfokus of June 21, 2024

Positive Impulses from Research and Development


Issue 1/2023

IWSfokus of October 9, 2023


Issue 1/2022

IWSfokus of December 9, 2022


Issue 3/2021

IWSfokus of December 3, 2021


Issue 2/2021

IWSfokus of July 27, 2021


Issue 1/2021

IWSfokus of April 12, 2021


Issue 1/2020

IWSfokus of December 2, 2020


Newsletter Archive

See all archived issues of our newsletter here.