
In the following you can read our newsletter published until 2017 about developments and research results of the Fraunhofer IWS in the field of surface and laser technology. Since 2018 the newsletter is no longer published.



NEWS 1.17

Large-area plasma treatment for the aircraft industry


NEWS 1.16

Electromagnetic pulse welding - an innovative technology for mixed material joints


NEWS 2.15

Tailored Joining - Laser-Mehrlagen-Engstspaltschweissen für Bauteile mit großer Wandstärke

NEWS 1.15

Innovative Plasmatechnik zur Energie-effizienten Herstellung von Kohlenstofffasern

NEWS 1.14

Thermally sprayed multilayered coatings for ceramic heating elements

NEWS 3.13

Verschleissschutzschichten für extreme Belastungen

NEWS 2.13

HiBarSens®: High barrier samples become measurable

NEWS 1.13

Hyperspectral Imaging: Optical process and product control

NEWS 1.12

Neue Schichten für Motor und Antriebsstrang

NEWS 2.11

New materials and processes for electrical energy storage

NEWS 1.11

Highly developed surface and gas measurement technologies