
Fraunhofer IWS Dresden – 30 years of dedication to the future



Design is increasingly gaining importance in Fraunhofer's research. This is why the three Fraunhofer Institutes IVI, IWS and IWU in Dresden, together with Technische Universität Dresden, are establishing the “DesignLab for Applied Research”.
© Fraunhofer IVI
Design is increasingly gaining importance in Fraunhofer's research. This is why the three Fraunhofer Institutes IVI, IWS and IWU in Dresden, together with Technische Universität Dresden, are establishing the “DesignLab for Applied Research”.
Modern light interference technologies from Dresden now enable lotus effects and other refined structural tricks from the natural world to be transferred quickly to technical surfaces such as battery compo-nents, implants and even airplanes.
© ronaldbonss.com
Modern light interference technologies from Dresden now enable lotus effects and other refined structural tricks from the natural world to be transferred quickly to technical surfaces such as battery compo-nents, implants and even airplanes.




  • A team of Fraunhofer IWS researchers spin off as lasertech company »Fusion Bionic«.
  • Institute Director Prof. Christoph Leyens appointed to the board of DRESDEN-concept.
  • The “Förderpreis” of the German Society for Tribology e.V. goes to Dr. Stefan Makowski.
  • Prof. Stefan Kaskel becomes Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry at the Technical University Dresden.
  • The company “Clarivate Analytics” again declares Prof. Stefan Kaskel to be one of the most cited scientists worldwide.
  • Prof. Martina Zimmermann is now a member of “acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering”.
  • Manuel Reif wins the »Young Professionals Award 2021« for his research on fiber-reinforced plastic composites.
  • Editorial Board Member – Prof. Andrés Lasagni on the editorial board of “Scientific Report”.