Modular fluorescence measuring device

Fluorescence signal of a diffusion-caused concentration change of fluorescein sodium behind an alginate membrane
Miniaturized and adaptable solutions for very sensitive measurement of fluorescence signals are the basis for successful monitoring of fluorescence in chemical and biochemical reactions as well as biological processes like growth and cell differentiation. At a compact size of only 90 x 100 x 24 mm3, the modular fluorescence device is the ideal tool for these kinds of tasks. As a result of the tiny focal spot, fluorescence measurements of very small volumes (down to 1 µL) and of low concentrations (down to 6*10-16 mol/mL for calcein) are possible.
Principle of operation
- measurement of fluorescence
Technical data
- wavelength characteristics:
excitation 1: 467 nm / emission 1: 517 nm,
excitation 2: 590 nm / emission 2: 602 nm - optical output power adjustable up to 1 W
- measurement interval min. 100 ms up to 10 s depending on the application
- detection threshold for calcein: 6*10-16 mol/mL
- detection threshold for EGFP: 1,8*10-16 mol/mL
- multiple measurements over programmed intervals
- triggering via LabVIEW or C++
- monitoring of fluorescent-dyed or autofluorescing cell cultures
- monitoring of fluorescence-based reporter gene assays
- measuring reaction kinetics of fluorescing reactants
- Fraunhofer IWS / IOF