Additive Manufacturing and Surface Technology

The technology field Additive Manufacturing and Surface Technology combines extensive knowledge for the use of novel materials and surfaces: from the structure of the materials, to process and system technology development, to the refinement of the components and digital integration. One topic is thermal surface technology. This involves state-of-the-art process and system technology for laser-assisted coating and build-up processes.

Other focal points are thermal spraying, laser roll and direct plating, and heat treatment with a focus on high-precision surface hardening processes. Further research activities involve the generation and printing of components. Additive manufacturing is used to create novel, reliable components with new functionalities. The researchers also use their know-how in the field of micro- and biosystems technology to model and miniaturize the circuits of physiological systems.

Research Topics


Heat Treatment and Thermal Coating

  • Laser Processing of Edge Layers
  • Heat Treatment and Plating
  • System Technology


Elena Lopez

Contact Press / Media

Dr.-Ing. Elena Lopez

Division Manager Additive Manufacturing

Phone +49 351 83391-3296

Marko Seifert

Contact Press / Media

Dipl.-Phys. Marko Seifert

Division Manager Heat Treatment and Thermal Coating

Phone +49 351 83391-3204

Frank Sonntag

Contact Press / Media

Dr.-Ing. Frank Sonntag

Division Manager Biosystems Engineering

Phone +49 351 83391-3259

Centers and Networks


Additive Manufacturing Center Dresden (AMCD)


High-Performance Center “Smart Production and Materials“


Strategy project “AGENT-3D“

Additive manufacturing – The 3D revolution for product manufacturing in the digital age



Adaptive Laser Beam for Additive Manufacturing, Timeframe: 01/2024–12/2027 (EU, FKZ: HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-0)


AeroSPIke Rocket Engine Realisation, Timeframe: 04/2020–03/2023 (European Space Agency ESA)


Intelligent gripping tool with self-adaptive properties, Timeframe: 07/2021–06/2022 (BMBF: FKZ 02P20E110)


Senkung der Feinstaubemissionen durch Antriebssysteme Entwicklung einer kostengünstigen Oberflächenlösung, Timeframe: 05/2021–11/2022 (SMWA, FKZ: 100552824/4114)


Rapid prototype development for future-proof aviation, Timeframe: 09/2022–08/2026 (BMWK, FKZ: 20L2105B1)


Flexible and hybrid manufacturing of green aluminium to produce tailored adaptive crash-tolerant structures, Timeframe: 09/2022–08/2026 (EU, FKZ: Horizon-CL5-2021-D6-01-10)


Additive Manufacturing of the Large Optical Bench for the Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics, Timeframe: 12/2021–11/2025 (European Space Agency)

SpreeTec neXt

New Manufacturing Technologies for Components and Systems of Decentralized Power Engineering, Timeframe: 10/2022–12/2029 (BMBF, FKZ: 02P21Z001)

News and Media


Press Release / 3.12.2024

Cost Effective Production of High-temperature Components Using 3D Printing

Project “Simsalabim”


Press Release / 27.10.2023

Fraunhofer IWS Installs Europe’s Unique Industrial 3D Printer

“SpreeTec next”: Powder Bed-Based Additive Laser Manufacturing System


Press release / 9.1.2023

Radioactive Substances Fight Cancer in the Mini-lab

Reduce the number of animal experiments in radiopharmaceutical research



COAX System Technology

Solutions for Laser Cladding and Additive Manufacturing