Acoustic weld signature with characteristic process frequencies for real-time process analysis.
Technical data
Membrane-free optical microphone
Low inherent noise
Frequency range: 10 Hz to 1 MHz (acoustic and ultrasonic)
Dynamic range: 50-150 dB (A) SPL
Wide range of applications from automotive to welded joints in household appliances, aerospace and a variety of measurement tasks to ensure component quality
Real-time process monitoring of highly dynamic welding processes
Correlation between weld seam quality and airborne noise possible
High-resolution triangulation measurement for quality assessment of weld topographies.
Technical data
Measuring principle: optical triangulation
Low reflection sensitivity
Resolution range: 2.5 to 50 µm
Repeatability: 0.3 to 0.5 µm
Position and distortion measurement of weld contours and welded components
Inline / offline process monitoring of welding processes
Correlation between weld quality and external weld appearance (flaking, geometric weld parameters)
Stand-alone unit can be integrated into new and existing processes
Combination with other sensors and AI evaluation methods
Wide range of applications from automotive manufacturing to welded joints of household appliances, aerospace technology and a variety of measurement tasks to ensure component quality
Software for the generation of ”Life Cycle Assessment” – CO2-Balance
Focus: Evaluation of the CO2 footprint of products and processes
Life Cycle Assessment for the description of material flows using the example of CO2 equivalent – utilization for laser-based manufacturing processes at Fraunhofer IWS.
Technical data
Conformity of CO2 balancing based on DIN ISO 14064 and DIN ISO 14040
Generation, calculation and visualization of CO2 and life cycle assessments
Linking with technical databases, e.g. Gabi
Generation of Sankey diagrams
Assessment of CO2 emissions caused by human production and mobility to achieve European or global climate targets - keyword: max. 1.5°C global warming
”Computer Aided Eco-Balancing” (CAEB) for laser-based process chains and products
Process comparisons for welding processes and production chains