Rapid Testing System to determine the Adsorption Properties of Porous Materials (INFRAsorp)

Rapid testing system to determine the adsorption properties of porous materials.
© Fraunhofer IWS
Rapid testing system to determine the adsorption properties of porous materials.

The research area “novel porous materials” finds enormous interest worldwide. Porous materials are often characterized by cost- and time consuming physisorption and breakthrough experiments. Especially in the field of high sample numbers such as high throughput synthesis or quality control, a fast characterization method is required.

The Fraunhofer IWS has developed an optical calorimeter “INFRAsorp” which utilizes the adsorption induced heat release for the characterization of porous materials. The working principle enables a simple, cost-, time- and resource saving screening of porous materials for various applications.

Scope of supply

  • Screening of porous materials regarding structural properties, e.g. inner surface area, pore size
  • Evaluation of adsorption capacity of porous materials, e.g. for gas storage or filter design
  • Studies on adsorption kinetics
  • Stability studies for multiple adsorption-desorption cycling, e.g. for evaluation of water stability of potential materials in dehumidification or adsorption driven heat pumps
  • Sizing of nanoparticles by surface area adsorption measurement

Event Note


October 28, 2024 | Online Workshop

Advanced Adsorption Techniques and Applications

Free registration is open. 

Call for abstracts!


INFRAsorp on the Fraunhofer IWS YouTube channel

Project Partner


  • Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Potsdam
  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik, Oberhausen
  • Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden