Multi station processing system for high power diode laser.

Multi station processing system for high power diode laser.
Self-construction in cooperation with
- KUKA Roboter GmbH, Augsburg
- Reichstätter Metall- und Stahlbau GmbH, Dippoldiswalde
- LSA GmbH, Hilmersdorf
Technical Data
- 6-axis-articulated robot KUKA KR100 HA
- Two-axis-positioner KUKA DLS 400
- Control KUKA KRC 2
- RoboTeam functionality
- Laser power control LompocPro
- Three nut tables, 125 x 600 mm2
- Work area ca 1.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 m3
- Laser beam hardening
- Laser beam welding of thin sheet metal
Available Sources
- High power diode laser Laserline LDF 400-5000RD, 5 kW