Additive Manufacturing Center Dresden (AMCD)

Additive manufacturing – Competence in materials and production technology

At the Additive Manufacturing Center Dresden (AMCD), which is operated by Fraunhofer IWS and TU Dresden as a joint competence center, the researchers develop multiprocess material and manufacturing solutions for innovative products in order to realize applications in aerospace, energy and medical technology, tooling and mechanical engineering as well as automotive engineering.

With AGENT-3D, the experts at AMCD are also coordinating one of the largest European research projects on additive manufacturing. Together with 120 network partners, this rapidly growing technology field is being pushed forward into an industrially mature production process.

In a rapidly developing high-tech sector, the AMCD offers an ideal networking platform for both industry as well as university-based fundamental and application-oriented research. In cooperation with industry and research partners, the aim is to eliminate existing process restrictions and to define and create a framework for standardization, process reliability and quality assurance.

Event Note


May 21–23, 2025 | Dresden

ISAM 2025

6th International Symposium on Additive Manufacturing

Save the date!


Research Focus

The research activities of the AMCD focus on product and industry specific process chains, from component design and the actual manufacturing process to post-treatment and post-processing steps as well as repair and recycling. The testing and characterization of additively manufactured materials and components is also among the center's core competencies.

The focus is on the aerospace, automotive, energy technology, tool and mold making, and medical engineering sectors. The comprehensive process range includes laser cladding with both powder and wire, selective laser beam melting, electron beam melting and 3D printing. Furthermore, the scientists at AMCD develop materials, processes, system technology, sensor technology and online process diagnostics.

Structure made of pure copper by means of binder jetting.
© Fraunhofer IWS
Structure made of pure copper by means of binder jetting.

Materials and AM Surfaces

  • Adjusted material systems of additively manufactured components
  • Multi-material components
  • Materials along the process chain
  • Surface technology and heat treatment up to the refinement of components
  • Extensive knowledge in the field of destructive and non-destructive testing methods

Original and replica of a bird skull.
© Fraunhofer IWS
Original and additively manufactured replica of a bird skull.

Component Design

  • Topology optimization
  • Load-oriented design of additively manufactured structures and components
  • Multi-material design
  • Functional integration, functionalization of components along the process chain

Process image LPBF (Laser Powder Bed Fusion)
© Christoph Wilsnack/Fraunhofer IWS
Process image LPBF (Laser Powder Bed Fusion)

Process Diversity

  • Powder bed processes
  • Sinter-based processes
  • Binder jetting and fused filament fabrication (FFF)
  • Electron beam melting (PBF-EB)
  • Laser beam melting (PBF-LB)
  • Consideration of the overall value chain

Mounting on the process head: Using the newly developed "POWDERscreen" sensor can significantly increase process reliability.
© Fraunhofer IWS
Mounting on the process head: Using the newly developed "POWDERscreen" sensor can significantly increase process reliability.

Process Monitoring and Process Digitalization

  • Online monitoring systems for monitoring process parameters
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Condition monitoring
  • AI-based methods
  • Data correlation and digital twin
  • Networking of different process steps

Cooperation Partners

Technische Universtität Dresden

Use of electron beam technology in cooperation between TU Dresden and Fraunhofer IWS
© TU Dresden

Institute of Materials Science

The Institute for Materials Science at the TU Dresden focuses on new materials and their technological implementation in innovative products.

The Chair of materials technology, headed by Prof. Christoph Leyens, mainly conducts research on metallic and intermetallic materials, investigating the interrelationships between the material, its manufacturing process and the resulting material and component properties.

The Chair of Mechanics of Materials and Failure Analysis, headed by Prof. Martina Zimmerman, investigates the interrelationship between structure and microstructure as well as the functional properties of materials, including layer systems. The spectrum ranges from classical steel materials to high-temperature materials, joined structures, composite materials and modern biomaterials.



High-Performance Center “Smart Production and Materials“


Strategy project “AGENT-3D“

Additive manufacturing – The 3D revolution for product manufacturing in the digital age

News and Media


Press Release / 3.12.2024

Cost Effective Production of High-temperature Components Using 3D Printing

Project “Simsalabim”


Press Release / 27.10.2023

Fraunhofer IWS Installs Europe’s Unique Industrial 3D Printer

“SpreeTec next”: Powder Bed-Based Additive Laser Manufacturing System



COAX system technology

Solutions for laser buildup welding and additive manufacturing